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February 2023 Major Release - 19.4.71, 20.11.52, 22.4.14

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version
  • Version
  • Version

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-96419OR Quarterly Tax and the Unemployment Report under one single menu

Oregon is changing how Unemployment and the Quarterly Tax are reported. The reports will be reported to FRANCES online. One of the changes includes Transit tax information to be included as a part of the Quarterly Tax report and Unemployment Report. Adhering to the state changes and providing enhanced user experience, reports are unified under one menu under HRM > State > OR State > Quarterly Wage and Tax Report. With this option, the user will now be able to perform the Report load once and will be able to generate both the

  1. Quarterly Tax Report and
  2. Unemployment Report

Also, the Prepaid tax and prepaid tax due, if any, need to be reported on the Quarterly Tax report, and to address the same, an option to mention the same is provided as a part of the Quarterly Tax Report screen so that the same can be reported accordingly on the report as required by the FRANCES online system.

Note: The Paid Leave Oregon contributions will be available to report for the first quarter of 2023. For now, the same will be reported as blank.

EFIN-87591OR Budget Preparation - Unable to filter on few columnsOR Budget Preparation - For new columns, users could not filter on specific values, and received an error message. The same has been fixed.
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