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Employee Ledger Report

Use the Employee Ledger Report to create a 12-month ledger report of gross pay, deductions, and fringe benefits. 

Menu Path

Choose Human Resources from the main navigation menu, then choose State. Click Employee Ledger Report.

Submission Period

As and when required (usually at the end of the year as it includes the employee data for 12 months).

Selection Rule

Extracts 12-month Employee Ledger Report including gross pay, deductions, and fringe benefits based on the filter options on the OR Employee Ledger Report page.

Create File

  1. On the OR Employee Ledger Report page, choose the Report Criteria.

  2. Enter a deduction Code.

  3. If you have permission to view the entire Social Security number (without masking) and want to include it, select Print Full Social Security Number.

  4. Click Create, then click Yes.

  5. Save the file, then click OK.

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