Update Service Years
Menu Path: Choose Human Resources, then choose State. Then select OH Update Service Years.
This process is not reversible. The Years of Service increments by one each time you run this process.
Ohio districts are required to keep service years current. Use this feature to update the years of service information for all employees.
Choose a department to exclude from the update. If you select Update EMIS Principal Years Experience, the EMIS principal years of experience field updates for employees who have the given primary EMIS position.
After you complete the procedure, the changes display on the General Employment section of the Employee Information page for the following fields:
Years Employed
Years in State
Years in Total
If you select the Position data, the Principal years' experience updates.
If you select the EMIS Staff data, Staff and Principal years' experience update.
After the update is complete, the changes then display in the same three fields on the Employment tab of the Employee Information page.
Update Service Years
Choose OH Update Service Years.
Enter the Hire Date. The update includes any employee hired on or before this date.
Choose the Employee Status to include in the update. You can choose more than one status if necessary.
The process does not update terminated employees unless they meet the following conditions:Terminated within the current fiscal year.
Worked at least 120 days or they are retirees who return to work as subs.
The values in the Employee Status field are retrieved from the Personnel Status Codes reference table.
Click Select Codes to select the departments to exclude in the update.
Select the fields to update:
01 - Update Staff Years
02 - Update EMIS Principal Years Experience
03 - Update Staff and Principal Years Experience
Click OK.
Click Yes.