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September 2022 Minor Release -

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-89890Ohio Annual Spending Plan - Fixes

The Ohio Annual Spending Plan screen is fixed to load even if the number assignment is not set up. Previously this page was loading continuously. This has been addressed.

EFIN-90116OH : STRS Payroll,Filter Fixes

Ohio STRS Payroll filter was fixed to filter by Record Type "PAY."

EFIN-90455OH Financial Load Fixes

The following issues related to Ohio Financials were fixed

  • Cash table not loading for districts that have gone live directly on the new compliance framework
  • Encumbrances not loading in EMIS Cash table
  • Running expenditure table report giving Object Reference error
EFIN-90587Unable to add a record on the EMIS > Expenditures table

Users were unable to add a record to the EMIS Expenditure table. The issue is now fixed, and the users can add the records.

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