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Quarterly Wage

Use this feature to maintain quarterly wages for your staff. On this page, you can create new records for wages, update existing records, and delete records. Also, from this page, you can access the Quarterly Wage Setup page, the Quarterly Wage Weeks page, the Quarterly Wage Load page, and the Quarterly Wage Report page.

The State of Ohio requires employers to submit on a quarterly basis a report of public employees' wages. The Ohio Quarterly Wage option in the Human Resources applications collects the required wage information and produces an electronic file in the required format and a hard copy report. Also note that:

  1. The number of weeks worked per quarter and the worksite code needs to be set up on the employees' state retirement screens prior to the first load of information into the Quarterly Wage table. For details, refer to the procedures below.
    The default for the number of weeks worked per quarter is 13, and the default for the worksite code is what is entered in the Worksite Code field on the Quarterly Wage Profile screen.

  2. Optionally, the number of weeks worked per quarter on the employees' state retirement screens can be set for a group of employees by using the Ohio Quarterly Weeks screen. For details, refer to the Updating the Weeks Paid Tot field procedure below.

  3. The Quarterly Wage Profile needs to be set up before the first load of information into the Quarterly Wage table. For details, refer to the Setting up Quarterly Wage profile procedure below.

Menu Path: Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage

Action Bar Items

The following items display on the Action Bar:


Displays the Quarterly Wage Setup page. This option creates and updates the OH Quarterly Wage Setup Record.


Displays the Quarterly Wage Weeks page. This option updates the Weeks Paid Tot field on the State Required Page.


Displays the Quarterly Wage Load page. This option loads Quarterly Wage data for a selected quarter and year.


Displays the Quarterly Wage Report page. This option generates the Quarterly Wage report as various formats.

Setting up Quarterly Wage Profile

The following two procedures must be completed first in order for the Quarterly Wage reporting to be accurate:

Inspecting the Human Resources Profile

  1. Select System Administration > All > Profiles > Human Resources Profile to display the Human Resources Profile page.

  2. Select the Federal/State Reporting tab and be sure that the Report Year selected is correct.
    If this is incorrect, you must select the appropriate year from the drop-down selection and then click OK to save the changes.

  3. Now that the correct reporting year is set, select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage, and then click Setup on the Action Bar to display the Quarterly Wage Setup page.

  4. Complete the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
    Once all fields are set, the only fields that should need to be changed in the future will be the Reporting Quarter and Reporting Year. The other fields should be updated only if any of the information changes.

  5. When finished, click OK to save the profile.

Inspecting the Ohio State Reports page

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information to display the Employee Information page.

  2. Search for and select an employee.

  3. Click Payroll Information on the Action Bar, and then click State Required from the dropdown to display the Ohio State Reports page.

  4. Inspect the following fields to be sure that they are correct for the Quarterly Wage to function accurately:

    • Weeks Paid Tot - Total number of weeks the employee is paid in each quarter.

    • Weeks Paid Cur - Current credit weeks before each payroll calculation in the quarter.

    • Default Weeks - Default number of weeks in each quarter.

    • Worksite Code - Code identifying the employee's work location.

Adding a new record

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page, and then click Add New.

  2. Complete the fields in both the Quarterly Wage Employee Information and Quarterly Wage Data sections. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  3. Click OK to save the record.

Updating a record

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click OK.

  4. In the Quarterly Wage Date section, make changes to the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.
    The Quarterly Wage Employee Information section is displayed only when updating records. You will need to create a new record if changes need to be made in that section. Refer to the procedure above.

  5. Click OK to save the record.

Adding a new quarterly wage to an existing record

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click Add New.

  4. Complete the fields in the Quarterly Wage Employee Information and Quarterly Wage Data sections.

  5. When finished, click OK to save the record.

Deleting a record

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click Delete.

  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the record.

Updating the Quarterly Wage Setup Information

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page.

  2. Click Setup on the Action Bar to display the Quarterly Wage Setup page.

  3. In the Setup Information section, update the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  4. Click OK to save the record.

Updating the Weeks Paid Tot field 

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page.

  2. Click Weeks on the Action Bar to display the Quarterly Wage Weeks page.

  3. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.
    Be sure to include only the records you wish to update in the Search Criteria, as the update will impact all records displayed in the List section. To include all records on file, leave the Search Criteria fields blank before clicking Find.

  4. Check to make sure that the list includes all of the desired records, and then click OK. If the list is incorrect, click Back and repeat Step 3.

  5. In the Number of Weeks field, enter the correct number of weeks to update the State Required page, and then click OK.

  6. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to update the Weeks paid field.


Any changes made here will not impact the Weeks Paid Total in the current Quarterly Wage table. The changes will only impact the Weeks Paid Tot field on the employees' State Required page. Therefore, these changes will be active for the next Load of information into the Quarterly Wage table. In order to change any values of the Weeks Paid Total of the information in the current Quarterly Wage table, use the instructions for maintaining individual records under Maintaining the Data.

Loading Quarterly Wage data

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page.

  2. Click Load on the Action Bar to display the Quarterly Wage Load page.

  3. In the Load Criteria section, complete the criteria fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  4. Click OK.

    • If records for the quarter being loaded already exist, a Confirmation dialog will display asking if you would like to delete and replace those records. Click Yes to delete and replace those records. Click No to cancel the load.

Generating a Quarterly Wage report

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH Quarterly Wage to display the Quarterly Wage page.

  2. Click Report on the Action Bar to display the Quarterly Wage Report page.

  3. Select the format for the report. The Report Year and Report Quarter fields are display-only. To change these, you must change the appropriate fields on the Quarterly Wage Setup page. For details, refer to the procedure above.

  4. Click OK to generate the report.

  5. In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is qtrwagen.rpt.


Quarterly Wage Employee Information Section



Report Year

Drop-down selection for the reporting year for the quarterly wage.

Report Quarter

Drop-down selection for the reporting quarter for the wage represented by numbers 1 through 4.

Select :

1 - January through March
2 - April through June
3 - July through September
4 - October through December

Employee Number

Unique code to identify an employee. Use the Lookup retrieve an employee number from a list.

Social Security

Employee's Social Security number. Display only.

Last Name

Employee's last name. Display only.

First Name

Employee's first name. Display only.

Middle Initial

First letter of employee's middle name. Display only.

Quarterly Wage Date Section



Gross Wages

Quarterly wages received by the employee.

Employee's total earnings for the current quarter. Total amount for non-void checks issued during the reporting quarter minus total amount of any voided checks.

UI Wages

Quarterly unemployment insurance wages received by the employee.

Employee's total state-taxable earnings for the current quarter. *SOH deduction gross for non-void checks issued during the quarter minus any voided checks issued prior to the quarter and cleared during the quarter, or voided and cleared during the quarter.

UI Excess Wages

Excess quarterly unemployment insurance wages received by the employee.

Employee's quaterly wages which are not taxable for unemployment insurance. Year to date wages minus the State UI Taxable Wage Base, minus Taxable UI Wages.

Weeks Paid Total

Total number of weeks paid for the quarter.

Worksite Code

Site code where the employee is stationed.

Taxable UI Wages

Taxable quarterly unemployment insurance wages received by the employee.

If UI Excess Wages is less than UI Wages, then it is equal to the UI Wages minus UI Excess Wages, otherwise 0.

Year To Date Wages

Amount of taxable wages received by the employee from the beginning of the year to current date.

Month 1, 2, and 3

Three separate checkboxes to state if the employee worked in each month of the quarter. Select each relevant field depending on whether or not the employee was issued a check during the respective month of the quarter.

Quarterly Wage Setup Page



Reporting Quarter

Quarter when the report will be generated.

Reporting Year

Year that the report will be generated for.

Federal Employer ID Number

Unique nine-digit federal identification for the employee.

State ID Number

Unique ten-digit code to identify the state.


Address for the employee.


City where the employee resides.


State where the employee resides.

Zip Code

Zip code for the employee's location.

Contact Name

Name of the transmitter contact.

Phone and Extension

Transmitter contact's phone number. Optional field for any extension.

Unit/Location Code

Three-digit worksite code assigned by the state.

State UI Taxable Wage Base

Taxable unemployment insurance wage base as mandated by the state.

UI Tax Rate

Unemployment insurance wage tax rate.

Quarterly Wage Load Page



Report Quarter

Quarter of the fiscal year for the report.

Report Year

Fiscal year for the report.

Pay Run(s) For 1st, 2nd and 3rd Month

Pay runs for the first, second and third months containing the 12th of that month in the quarter being reported.

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