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October 2022 Minor Release -

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11
  • Version 22.4

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-89606Ohio STRS Annual Report - Pennies reported incorrectly for accrued contribution

The Human Resources - State - STRS Payroll Report option is modified to correctly calculate and report the pennies due to rounding in the summer accrued contribution information.

EFIN-89888OH STRS Annual Member Contribution - Incorrect days 

The Human Resources - State - STRS Annual Member Contribution is modified to correctly calculate the days worked from check history when the pay is hourly, not subject to STRS, or docking has occurred.

EFIN-91388Fixed Errors From Batch Journal Entry Process

Corrected errors that occurred when a user created batch journal entries in the following processes:

  • Reverse Journal Entry

  • Post Fixed Asset Depreciation to the General Ledger


  • OH Foundation Reconciliation

EFIN-91521Ohio STRS Payroll - Error received when running the Load option

The Ohio STRS Payroll load was producing the error, “There was an error processing the extract.” when special characters were included in the first, middle, or last name fields. This issue is now resolved.

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