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May 2024 Release - 20.11.70, 22.4.32, 23.10.7

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


Date filter on Maintenance Screens | Range functionality is added

Range functionality is added for the date filter on maintenance screens so that end users can apply the ranges from and to.


FY24 EMIS Reporting Change - Elimination of Current Payables from EMIS Cash Table

The FY24 EMIS Reporting Changes eliminate the Current Payables from the EMIS Cash table, and hence, Current Payables are removed in the EMIS → All → EMIS → EMIS Data Export report for Fiscal Year 2024 onwards. For Fiscal Year 2023 and earlier, the Current Payables should still be included in EMIS → All → EMIS → EMIS Data Export Report. The Current Payables under EMIS Reference Tables → EMIS Cash Table is shown for the fiscal year 2023 and earlier; however, it has been removed for fiscal year 2024.


FY24 EMIS Reporting Change - Elimination of Schedule of Federal Assistance

The FY24 EMIS Reporting Changes eliminate the Schedule of Federal Assistance Detail and Summary, and hence, these are removed from the EMIS → All → EMIS → EMIS Data Export report for Fiscal Year 2024 onwards. For Fiscal Year 2023 and earlier, the Federal Assistance information should still be included in the EMIS → All → EMIS → EMIS Data Export Report. The Federal Assistance Detail and Federal Assistance Summary reference tables under EMIS Reference Tables continue to work similarly.


Added a warning for PO Box in address when creating the CCA file

A warning is now added when creating the W2 electronic file (From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select W2 Processing. On the W2 Processing page, select Create W2 Electronic File.) with the option of including RS records and specifying a local tax reference code of ‘CCA’. If any W2 addresses (line 1 or line 2) contain the string ‘BOX’ a warning will result on the error report, stating “EMPLOYEE HAS ADDRESS THAT CONTAINS BOX - PO BOX ADDRESSES NOT PERMITTED ON CCA FILE, MAY BE REQUIRED FOR FEDERAL/STATE FILE - PLEASE REVIEW AND RE-RUN.

This is for Version 23.10.


Fund Activity Report Details fix

Fund Activity Report Details is fixed, and the performance is optimized to avoid the report timeout.

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