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March 2023 Major Release - 20.11.54, 22.4.16

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-91779Ohio - STRS Annual Member Contribution - Termination Cutoff Date - Working IncorrectlyThe Ohio STRS Annual Member Contribution data load has been fixed to include the employees as a part of the Report whose termination date is after the financial year-end.
EFIN-93296Hours paid value in eSERS contribution report

While generating the eSERS contribution report, if the employees having SERS days calculated from the ETS post, and the pay rate having hours per day set to 0 or hours per day set to 1 with no SERS Hours/Day value on the State Required page (for pay method P or R), then the hours paid value is calculated from the ETS tables in both clock in / clock out and time entry.

If the pay code associated with the job class and pay rate has a pay type set to anything other than hourly, then the hours paid value is 0. In this scenario, the application is modified to write an error message to the log for the employee to check

EFIN-96660Clear/reset the Weeks Paid Total field for OH on the state required page during the calendar year clear.While executing the calendar year clear process, the Weeks Paid Total field is set with the value from the Defaults Weeks per quarter field.
EFIN-98102OHIO - EMIS Data Export - Invalid field length error message with Report TimeOHIO - EMIS Data Export - The Report Time field has been modified to display the time in 24-hour format to address the invalid field length error.
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