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June 25, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 5.2
  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-57048Ohio - EMIS Expenditure Table - Fixed Pagination

Fixed pagination of records for Ohio - EMIS Expenditure Table.

This is for Version 20.11.

EFIN-57237Ohio Cash Position Report -  Generates without Error

Optimized the Ohio Cash Position Report generation process. As a result, the report generates successfully without the previously observed timeout. The report generates in 2 minutes from invocation.

This is for Version 20.11.

EFIN-57924OH EMIS Degree Field correction

Modified the Ohio EMIS Staff Load to use the State Equivalent Degree code from the degree table to report the degree information correctly.

This is for Version 20.11.

EFIN-59779OH - Changes to New Hire Reporting

Ohio recently released changes to the Ohio New Hire report data. The additional fields are:

  1. Employee Independent Contractor - flag = Y if independent contractor (vendor file record).
  2. IC - Date Payments began - this is a User-Defined field that customers will need to maintain on the Vendor UDF page 10 - dates may be before this calendar year and will not change once entered unless updated. The field is required by the Ohio Dept of Job & Family Services.
  3. IC - Length of time contractor services performed - this is a User-Defined field that customers will need to maintain on the Vendor UDF page 10 - enter months of less than ten months as 9, it will display in the report as 09. Data will not change once entered unless updated. The field is required by the Ohio Dept of Job & Family Services.

The hard copy and electronic file have been modified to include these fields.

EFIN-60619OH eSERS Enrollments processing - allow prior to pay date

Modified the Ohio eSERS Enrollment load process to allow records to be loaded once the payroll is run, even if the enrollment date is before the pay date.

This is for Version 20.11.

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