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June 2023 Release - 20.11.59, 22.4.21

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:



The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


OH eSERS contribution hours doubling

OH eSERS contribution hours is fixed to handle the values between 0 and 1.


OH - eSERS Contribution Report Rounding

OH eSERS Contribution Report Rounding issue is fixed when multiple Earnings Codes are reported for the same employee.


OH Local Work Tax Rounded Incorrectly for Local Tax Buckets

The taxable gross for an OH Work Tax was off by a penny or two from the Medicare gross, where it should be identical. The check history records are corrected and will adjust the local tax buckets. For OH Local Work taxes taken on the Medicare gross, the taxable gross will not have the penny error.

This change does not apply to version


EMIS Changes for FY 2023

The following changes are made to the EMIS FY 2023 reporting:

  • The ODE Brief Description is removed from the EMIS Cash Table.

  • The Description Crosswalk Code is no longer required to be entered on the EMIS profile.

The final electronic report changes will be deployed in the next release.

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