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June 2022 Major Release - 20.11.36

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved: 



Release Note

EFIN-78088OH EMIS Contractor Maintenance Screen Issues 

The Ohio EMIS Contractor maintenance issues related to making the Position Code, Contractor Details, and FTE fields editable have been fixed. These fields are now editable.

Salesforce ticket: 06060085

EFIN-80727SERS/STRS Not Pulling In Days ETS

In Ohio Employee Timesheets, if time entries were made for specific days, then SERS/STRS days got calculated for the entire pay period instead of the specific days for which the hours were entered. This issue is resolved by creating the SERS and STRS hours and days in the timecard when the data from ETS is posted.

A future ticket will do the same calculation using the clock-in/clock-out data.

EFIN-81036OH Import Batch Attendance with Substitute Local Tax information

The Import Batch Attendance option has been modified for Ohio customers to allow information for substitutes, including their local tax code, to be brought into attendance to create timecard information. Additional setup and usage information will be available in Ohio online documentation.

EFIN-84084OH SERS - Additional Warnings in Load Summary Report

The load summary report for the Ohio SERS Contribution Load was enhanced to identify employees with an invalid pay end date. The data load will skip these employee details, and the listing will be displayed in the load summary report.

The warnings will enable the district to correctly reload data to populate the pay end date. This addresses a corner case where the pay period modification and SERS contribution load are running in parallel.

Salesforce ticket: 6238264

EFIN-84725OH New Hire Reporting - Removed mandatory Birthdate validation for Contractors

The Ohio New Hire report generation was fixed to remove mandatory birthdate checks for Contractors.

Salesforce ticket: 06255154

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