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July 2023 Release - 20.11.60, 22.4.22

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:



The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


OH MCN Kettering - STRS Annual Report - Fixes

STRS Annual Report load is fixed to include the following:

  • For Employees having contribution amounts in PAYA records that are more than the amounts in PAY records, the calculation is adjusted to take the year’s employer pickup from the PAY records from 07/01 to the current and then calculate the accrued wages and contributions in the same way as done previously.

  • For all other employees, the existing calculations remain unchanged.


EMIS Employee Positions Report - Column Changes

The following changes are made to the EMIS Employee Positions report:

  • For the Hardcopy - Excel, the EXCLUDE FROM REPORT column is updated to DO NOT RPT POSITION TO EMIS which is fetched from the Employee Information > Actions > EMIS Position Information page.

  • For the Hardcopy - PDF, the DO NOT RPT POSITION TO EMIS column is added. The information is fetched from the Employee Information > Actions > EMIS Position Information page.

  • The RPT to EMIS column fetched from the Employee Information > Personal Information > Defined Windows > 10000 - EMIS Demographic Fields page > Include on Rpt field continues to exist in both PDF and Excel hardcopy.


EMIS Data Export Electronic file changes

The following changes are made in the Electronic file (emisdata.seq):

  • Change in the CSH type report for the QC record type.

  • From loc 45–65, ODE Brief Description is displayed as BLANK.


STRS Annual Member Contribution - Enhanced error message for multiple deductions with different wages

STRS Annual member contributions load is adjusted to display the following error message for the employees with multiple deductions and different wages:

Multiple deductions with different wages, negative values loaded, or other anomaly. Please check record.

This change does not apply to version 20.11.60.

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