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July 2022 Major Release -

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved: 



Release Note

EFIN-84882OH SERS/STRS - Calculate the hours and days worked for SERS/STRS using the clock in/clock out time records from Employee Time Sheets

The OH SERS/STRS days calculation for Employee Time Sheets is updated to work for time clock employees.

Salesforce case: 06192389

EFIN-85005OH Certification Upload - Purge Option Added

An option has been added to purge expired certifications in the Ohio Certification Upload.

Salesforce case: 06295211

EFIN-85008EMIS attendance calculation incorrect

The EMIS attendance calculation for hourly checks which was not working correctly has been fixed.

Salesforce case: 05721763

EFIN-85305OH - STRS Annual Report - Service Credit Error - Fixed

OH STRS Annual Report Load is fixed to report days worked and service credit correctly whenever the number of days worked is greater than the maximum number of days worked in the service credit table.

Salesforce Case: 06301555

EFIN-85310OH EMIS Building IRN Codes - Unable to Add/Edit the IRN code

The issue where the user was unable to add, edit or delete the IRN codes in the EMIS Building IRN Codes is fixed.

Salesforce case:  06306697

EFIN-85407OH eSERS Contribution Report - Incorrect contributions

The application was modified to correctly calculate the contribution amount while loading data in the OH eSERS Contribution Report.

Salesforce case: 06313133

EFIN-86301OH STRS - Annual Report - Unable to load the data

On the STRS Annual Member Contribution Report, now the users can load data successfully when the accrued setup is not available.

Salesforce #- 06427778

EFIN-86302OH eSERS Contribution Report - Warning in Load Summary Report for Negative amount

Added a warning message to the Load Summary in the eSERS Contribution Report for records that were not included as a part of the load because the earnings consist of a negative amount.

Salesforce Case 06481154

EFIN-86400OH eSERS Contribution Report Error

The SQL error is fixed for the user to now sort by the end date column in the eSERS Contribution Report’s pay schedule setup.

Salesforce # 06483941

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