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January 2023 Major Release - 19.4.69, 20.11.50, 22.4.12

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-93295SERS/STRS days not getting updated to 0

This corrects an issue where if an employee has current eSERS or STRS days in the State Required page loaded through the regular timecard load for a pay run, and if the employee also inputs an ETS timesheet for extra time for the pay run, then the loaded eSERS or STRS days were being zeroed out by the ETS post. These employees had the value 'N - Timecard Not Required' in their Timecard Required field drop-down on the Payroll tab of the Employee Information Center because their regular time is usually loaded through the timecard load.

A submitted and posted ETS timesheet for these employees will not zero out any pre-existing eSERS or STRS days.

If the Timecard Required field on the Payroll tab of the Employee Information Center is set to any value besides 'N,' then the eSERS/STRS days are updated in the State Required page according to the values taken from ETS.

This is a partial fix to the ticket EFIN-87866.

EFIN-93351STRS  Payroll - STRS New Hire Load Report not reporting Retirement date for Reemployed Retiree

OH STRS Payroll - STRS New Hire Load Report was not reporting/ incorrectly reporting the Retirement date, Paying Retirement System, Benefit Type, ORC Employment for Reemployed Retiree. The same has been fixed now.

EFIN-93639New Hire Report - Independent Contractors are not reported if the Report Date is less than the Start date of the Contract

New Hire Report - Contractors are not reported if there is a date in the Start Date field and the Report Date field is less than the Start Date of the contract. The same has been fixed now.

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