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Fund Activity Report

This option creates the OH Fund Activity Report in either a Detail or Summary format. The Fund Activity Report module provides functionality to examine all fund activity in the Fund Accounting system. The Fund Activity Report module also provides fund activity detail with a revenue and expenditure section, grouping transaction level information within the fund/special cost center. The report lists detailed transactions for each ledger record.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > State > State > OH Fund Activity Report

Generating Fund Activity Report

  1. Select Fund Accounting > State > State > OH Fund Activity Report to display the Fund Activity Report page.

  2. Select which type of Report is desired and complete the Report Criteria fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields below.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is fundact.rpt.




Report Type

Select the appropriate radio dial to have a Detail or Summary report.


Specific fund to generate for report. To include all reports, leave this field blank. To include multiple specific funds, use the appropriate query symbols.

Cash Account 1-5

Five cash account numbers included in the beginning cash balance. Do not enter an account which is not used for beginning cash balances.


Year to report.


Last Fiscal period to end report on.

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