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FICA/Medicare Split

The FICA/Medicare Split table must be set up before processing expenses for FICA and Medicare. This table has the ability to use more than one fringe account for FICA and Medicare for Certified and Non-Certified employees. At this table, users can:

  • Store and maintain salary account codes for FICA and Medicare accounts.

  • Distribute expenses for FICA and Medicare.

The maintenance table OH FICA/Medicare Split (oh_splitcharge) must be set up before processing expenses for FICA and Medicare.

Menu Path: Human Resources > State > State > OH FICA/Medicare Split

Processing used for Manual Checks and Pay Run Processing:

Before distributing the FICA or Medicare benefit amount for distribution methods "P - Primary Pay Rate distribution" or "A - Pay Rate distribution" the employee's organization salary account is looked up in the new oh_splicharge table for the type of benefit being processed. The New Fringe Account is retrieved from the Medicare Split table where the Tax Type and Salary Account combination matches the employee's benefit type (FICA or Medicare) and salary account. The new account will then be used for distribution. If no matching record is found, the employee's original account will be used for distribution.

Processing used for Salary and Fringe Calculations:

Similar to Manual Checks and Pay Run Processing except the account retrieved is from the Next Year's Fringe Account field. If this field is blank the account from the New Fringe Account field will be used. If no matching record is found the employee's original account will be used for distribution.

Adding new FICA/Medicare Split record

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH FICA/Medicare Split to display the FICA/Medicare Split page.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. In the FICA/Medicare Split Data section, complete the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  4. Click OK to save the record.

Updating a FICA/Medicare Split record

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH FICA/Medicare Split to display the FICA/Medicare Split page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click OK.

  4. In the FICA/Medicare Split Data section, update the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  5. Click OK to save the record.

Deleting a FICA/Medicare Split record

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH FICA/Medicare Split to display the FICA/Medicare Split page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click Delete.

  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the record.

Generating a FICA/Medicare Split report

  1. Select Human Resources > State > State > OH FICA/Medicare Split to display the FICA/Medicare Split page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find.

  3. In the List section, select the desired record, and then click Print.

  4. In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is oh_splitcharge.rpt.




Tax Type

Type of tax for the employee.


M - Medicare

Salary Type

Type of salary for the employee.


CRT - Certified
NCT - Non-Certified

Salary Account

Specific account for salary distribution. Three digit code.

New Fringe Account

New account for employee's fringe benefits.

Next Year Fringe Account

Next year's account for employee's fringe benefits. Enter new account number if different from New Fringe Account.

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