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February 25, 2022 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved: 



Release Note

EFIN-46116OH ESERS Days/Hours Posted from ETS

Ohio needs additional information from Employee Timesheets to be posted into the timecards with the ETS Post. The Post ETS Timecards option has been modified to allow data to be posted, regardless of the Timecard Required field and the ESERS Days or Hours to be included in the timecard when posted.

EFIN-76063OH - EAC What If Calculator - Hide Local Tax Line

We have modified the Employee Access Center ‘What If’ calculation page to hide the New Local Tax action item rather than display it without the ability to be accessed by non-Ohio customers.

EFIN-77245OH EMIS Contractor Load issues

Additional Ohio EMIS Contractor load and maintenance issues have been resolved.

EFIN-77254FED 1099-NEC Foreign Address City printing on form

The Federal 1099-NEC was omitting the Foreign City term while printing the form. This has been corrected.

EFIN-77585Ohio Foundation Reconciliation journal entry

The Ohio Foundation Reconciliation creates a journal entry as part of the processing. The debit and credits in the Batch Journal entry were not balanced and were off by pennies and did not match the report. The journal entry has been corrected the same way the report was.

EFIN-77933OH Foundation Report - Fatal Error in Deduction Maintenance

Corrected the Ohio Foundation Reconciliation Deduction Maintenance to ensure all the necessary deductions can be reported.

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