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December 10, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-63900OH Fund Activity Report including Fully Paid PO

Corrected an issue in the Ohio Fund Activity report. The report showed a fully paid PO as encumbered if the vendor number on the PO was different from the payment transaction. Transactions were also being combined on the detail report when the check number was missing. 

EFIN-71906OH Cash Positions Report - Run without specific fund

Updated the Ohio Cash Position report to generate successfully when no fund is specified in the selection criteria.

EFIN-71961OH Unemployment Report Changes

The Ohio Quarterly Wage Report ICESA file format requirements have been changed. The ICESA file format new file specifications need to be followed. Some fields have been added (such as worker relationship, out-of-state wages, state FIPS code, and excess wages total). Some fields were removed (TPA number, out-of-state wages indicator, and payment information fields).

New required fields for the S record include:

  • Employer ID - State Unemployment Insurance Employer ID from the Setup option of the Quarterly Wage report State ID field.

  • SOC Code of the employee is a new field on User Defined page 32001.

  • Owner/Officer Relationship (0 for employee, 1 for Officer) on User Defined page 32001.

  • Out-of-State Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Taxable Wages - if out of state wages must be reported to receive proper credit, update the Quarterly wage maintenance on per employee basis.

  • Adjustment Reason - Required (00 is original filing). Defaults on load and is maintained in Quarterly wage maintenance.

The report is due for the 4th quarter of 2021 by January 31, 2022 - version 20.11 will be available in early January 2022. 

This is for Version 19.4 only

EFIN-72758OH STRS report - Accrued Contributions and Service Credit display

The Ohio STRS Annual Member Contribution report was updated to display correct values in the Accrued Contributions and Service Credit columns.

EFIN-73100OH Cash Position Report - Incorrect Encumbrance on Balance Sheet

The Ohio Cash Positions report was incorrectly reporting an encumbrance amount in the balance sheet.

EFIN-73111OH SERS New Hire Retiree reporting

We have modified the Ohio SERS for rehired retirees to show up as retirees (RM) rather than as new hires (NM) on the STRS New Hire Report. 

EFIN-73885OH Fund Activity Report - Correct Receipts amounts

We have corrected the Ohio Fund Activity report to display the receipts rather than other amounts. 

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