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December 03, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-65631OH GAAP Report - Formatting Fixed

OH GAAP Report formatting was fixed to remove extra spaces after data items as this is a tab-delimited file.

EFIN-69589OH Annual Spending Plan - Include Period 13 transactions

We have corrected the Ohio Annual Spending Plan was to include Period 13 transactions in total calculations.

EFIN-71090OH Foundation Reconciliation - Journal Entry Reversed

The Ohio Foundation Reconciliation report was corrected to create Batch Journal entries with the correct debits and credits.

EFIN-71650OH SERS Pickup on Pickup Calculations

Corrected the Ohio eSERS pickup on pickup calculation for earnings reported.

EFIN-71651OH SERS Employees hours calculation for supplemental paycode 

The Ohio eSERS Employee hours calculation was corrected for employees paid on a supplemental paycode.

EFIN-71696OH Cash Positions Report - Summary Information on Excel Extract

Following changes were implemented for Ohio Cash Positions Report

  • Cash Position Report Excel generation option in the UI will display two additional options - All Information and No Totals

  • When the user selects “All Information”, the excel generation will provide a summary of totals for every fund and a consolidated summary of totals for all funds.

  • When the user selects the “No Totals” option, no fund level summary and consolidated summary will be reported.

EFIN-71894OH SERS Reporting of Multiple Checks

The Ohio eSERS reporting was corrected to report multiple checks when employees are paid with more than one check in the same payroll.

EFIN-71904OH EMIS Class Codes Ordered by Class Code

Class codes dropdown for the Ohio EMIS Class Codes in the EMIS Profile were corrected to sort by class code value.

EFIN-72078OH GAAP data export Fixes

Following corrections were made for the Ohio GAAP data export:

  • Trans_ID 2 (expenditures): Prior Year Encumbrance Amounts corrected to pull actual value.
  • Trans_ID 2 (expenditures): EXP_AGNST_ENCUMB calculation corrected, was showing 0.00 for all the line items.
  • Trans_ID 3 (revenues): "Actual Revenue Amounts" and "Revised Budget Amounts" data calculation corrected.
EFIN-72130OH Foundation Reconciliation: Support Colon for Date Range

The Ohio Foundation Reconciliation report was corrected to allow date range selection using a colon.

EFIN-72366OH SERS Contribution Report - End Date Fixed

The Ohio eSERS contribution report was corrected to show the correct end date instead of displaying the default date - 1/1/0001.

EFIN-72367OH Quarterly Wage Report - Pay Code Exclusion

The Ohio Quarterly Wage Report Load was corrected to exclude pay codes that are marked for exclusion in the paycode setup.

EFIN-72434OH SERS - Duplication of hours fixed

The customer reported an issue with Ohio SERS where hours were duplicated. Corrected by using the flag - Exclude Retirement in the calendar while calculating hours.

EFIN-72890OH EMIS Employee Positions Report - Ext Service Days Formatting 

Formatting of the Ext Service days field value was fixed in Ohio EMIS Employee Positions Report to be right justified instead of the original left justification which was putting a trailing zero.

EFIN-72960OH SPARCC - Update EMIS Position Salaries - SQL Error Fixed

Corrected the error in the Ohio EMIS Position Salary update when there were null values.

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