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Cash Position Report

This option creates the OH Cash Position Report. The OH Cash Position Report provides reporting on cash position, sorting, and breaking on funds and special cost center (SCC). The information for this report comes from the transaction table, expenditure ledger, revenue ledger, and general ledger.

Menu Path: Fund Accounting > State > State > OH Cash Position Report

The program selects from the general ledger using the selection criteria entered and the cash account from the Fund Accounting Profile. The beginning balances are summed from the transaction table using the general ledger fund/SCC and cash accounts entered by the user. This results in a set of General Ledger (balance sheet) records with a fund number, a Special Cost Center, and a cash account. The report is sorted first by fund, and within fund by the Special Cost Center.

For each record selected (each Fund/SCC combination), the following related records will be selected:

Transaction records - The beginning balance transaction is looked up in the transaction file for a match to the current general ledger record Fund and SCC. The beginning balance transaction is found by selecting the transaction for the year with a description resembling "BEGINNING CASH BALANCE" OR "STARTING CASH BALANCE."

Revenue ledger records - linked through the organization chart where the Fund and Special Cost Center match the current record.

Expenditure ledger records - linked through the organization chart where the Fund and Special Cost Center match the current record.

Transaction records for purchase orders (transaction code 17) that are unapproved since these are not yet encumbered and will not show on the encumbrance ledger. Transaction records for purchase order charges are linked through the organization chart where the Fund and Special Cost Center match the current record. Approval status is determined by reading the PO approvals (poaprv) and account approvals (poacctap) to see if all required approvals are entered.

By default, all special cost centers will be displayed on the report. Check the checkbox labeled "Roll Up SCC" to sum all special cost centers below 9000 into a general SCC as 0000 when printing the hard copy or Excel report. If an SCC with a value of 0000 exists for a fund in the database, its description will print. Otherwise, the description "General Fund" will be used.

Check the checkbox labeled "Zero Balances" to display lines of funds that have all zero values. By default, if a fund has all zero values, it will not print on the report.

Generating a Cash Position report

  1. Select Fund Accounting > State > State > OH Cash Position Report to display the Cash Position Report page.

  2. In the Selection Criteria section, complete the fields as needed for the desired report. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Print window, specify how you want to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is cashposn.rpt.





Account for funds. To retrieve multiple records, use the pipe symbol in between each account (i.e. 111|222|333).

Cash Account 1-5

Multiple cash accounts included in the beginning cash balance.


Report year.


Report period.

Roll up SCC

Checkbox to roll up SCCs (Special Cost Centers) that fall below 9000. Select the field to sum up SCC's below 9000 into a general SCC as 0000 when printing the hard copy or Excel report. If an SCC with a value of 0000 exists for a fund in the database, its description will print. Otherwise the description "General Fund" will be used.

Zero Balances

Select the field to display funds with zero balances. By default, if a fund has all zero values, it will not print on the report.

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