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April 2024 Release - 20.11.69, 22.4.31, 23.10.6

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


OH Cash position and Fund activity reports to show funds and accounts based on user views.

OH FAM Compliance Reports - Cash position and Fund activity is changed to only report funds and accounts based on the level of access set for fund and account in the user views screen.


OH | EMIS Reference Tables | Copy Functionality

The OH EMIS Reference Tables functionality was enhanced to allow the entire year's data to be copied from one year to another for the EMIS Reference table—General Information, OPUs, Statement R Detail, and Statement R Description.


Ohio using SFE - Added the custom OH subtsitute fields to the Substitute Information page to correct fatal error when the district tries to update a substitute record interfaced through SFE

The SERS/STRS Days Paid, SERS Extra Hours Worked, and Local Work Tax Ohio-specific fields have been added to the Substitute Data section of the page in the following menu items:

  • Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Attendance (Action Substitute Information - only available when SFE (SmartFind Express) is configured in a database).

  • Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee > Employee Information > Search > Highlight an employee and click Actions > Attendance (Action Substitute Information - only available when SFE (SmartFind Express) is configured in a database).

This corrects a fatal error when updating a substitute record interfaced through SFE (SmartFind Express).


Adding Establishment Number to Ohio CCA W2 Electronic Files

The OH local taxing authority CCA validates that each RE employer record has a unique EIN and Establishment Number combination. The software leaves the Establishment Number blank for state and federal filing. However, the CCA W2 electronic file has been adjusted to assign this identifier to comply with this validation automatically. The identifier will be formatted with ‘CC’ followed by an incrementing number and the employer type (Q or R). The employer type allows more easily identifying which employer is subject to Medicare only.


OH : Annual Spending Plan Report - Period Actual and Fiscal YTD fix for line number 7.010

The Ohio Annual Spending Plan Report was fixed to correct the calculations for Period Actual and fiscal YTD for line number 7.010.

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