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April 2023 Major Release - 20.11.56, 22.4.18

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-63367Incorporate OH Medicare Pickup on Pickup into EAC What If CalculatorThe application has been modified to incorporate the OH Medicare pickup on pickup into the EAC What-if Calculator.
EFIN-76456OH Local Work Tax Taxable Gross is the same as Medicare Gross in Payroll ProcessingThe OH Local Work Tax taxable gross differs by a penny or two from the Medicare gross when it should be the same. This issue has been fixed.
EFIN-98491OH eSERS Enrollment Report - Enhancement to Cpture Personal e-mail Address and Cell Phone Number

OH eSERS Enrollment Report - The application has been enhanced to capture employees' personal email addresses and cell phone numbers. 

A new page is added under the setup menu to add the email work domain so that the same can be used to determine an employee's personal email. The user must enter the work email domain before the data load.

EFIN-99329Error while Generating OH Fund Activity ReportOH Fund Activity Report - Error while generating the report when the Organization and Account information is unavailable in the transactions. The issue has been fixed.
EFIN-99331OH ESERS Enrollment - Default Value of Marital StatusOn the OH eSERS Enrollment Report maintenance screen, when the user tries to add a new record or edit an existing record with no marital status, the application is changed to set the default marital status value to blank.
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