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NY SIRS Staff Tenure Report

To access the NY Staff Tenure Report program, select the following menu path: Human Resources → State → NY Staff Tenure Report.
Field Descriptions:

Report Year: The 4 digit year representing the school year. Example – if school year is 2015-2016 report year is 2016

School Year Start Date: This is defaulted to 07/01 of the first year of the current school year but can be changed if your school year is different

School Year End Date: This is defaulted to 06/30 of the last year of the current school year but can be changed if your school year is different

District Code: The state defined 8 character code that is being assigned to your district for SIRS reporting. This is stored in the Human Resources profile – State Window page. If it is added or updated here the new value will be updated in to profile.

Tenure Area Codes User Defined Table: The 2 character code used to designate the user defined reference table which defines the relationship of the employee department to the state defined tenure area. This is stored in the Human Resources profile – State Window page. If it is added or updated here the new value will be updated in the profile. The user defined reference table can be accessed by clicking on the "User Defined" button on the action bar at the top of the page.

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