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July 30, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-59519MO ASBR Project Code Crosswalk and Reportable Codes

For the Missouri ASBR expenditure report, if a project would be a reportable ASBR project code, it must be in the Project crosswalk. If it is not in the crosswalk, it will be reported as blank because it is not a reportable code.

EFIN-62809MO Corrections for ASBR Expenditure Reporting  

Corrected the following issues in Missouri ASBR Expenditure reports:

  • Fixed the expenditure detail report pdf to populate Amount and ASBR Object columns.

  • The account/object code in reports is fixed to cut off the last three numbers after the period.

  • Some budget units were created with a SOF(Source of Funds) of a double-digit code. For example, 01 02 03 04 instead of 1 2 3 4. Fixed the reporting to pull the last digit in such instances rather than the first digit.

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