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December 2023 Release - 20.11.65, 22.4.27, 23.10.2

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


MO OASIS Report | Invalid Term of Position 9.0 Error fix

Fixed the MO OASIS Report load error log message Invalid Term of Position 9.0 Error.


MO OASIS - Wage Type O Related Fixes

The following MO OASIS Load process issues for the wage type O were fixed:

  • Including the retirement salary for O type records is restricted.

  • Loading O type records when all amount fields have zero values is restricted.


MO OASIS - Report / Load and Maintenance Screen Enhancements

For the MO OASIS Load process, the Report and Maintenance pages are fixed to include the following:

Load Screen Changes

  • Label Changes

    • The Pay Start Date field is changed to Check Issue Start Date.

    • The Pay End Date field is changed to Check Issue End Date.

  • Payruns to Exclude

    • The Payruns to Exclude dropdown is populated automatically when the user goes to the Load page based on the default parameters on the Load page.

Report Screen Changes

  • Both the Report page Year and Month default to the same logical Year and Month of the Load page that is currently working.

Maintenance Screen Changes 

  • The Gross Salary field is available to view, sort, and filter on the Maintenance page.

  • The Gross Salary field is available in the Download PDF and Excel options on the Maintenance page.

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