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November 2023 Release - 20.11.64, 22.4.26

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version

  • Version

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


MN PERA Report - PDF and Electronic file fixes

MN PERA Report - Fixed an issue with printing the Employer Total Contributions between positions 38 - 49. Also fixed the PDF to print negative values.


MN Districts: Period Beginning and End Dates are fixed on the Paycheck Voucher

In the new EAC, while the user prints the Paycheck Voucher, the Period Beginning and End dates for the MN state profiles will be fetched from the mn_paygroups table. This was present in the old EAC and was not moved to the new EAC.

This change applies to version


TRA and PERA electronic file location not considering SPIDBNAME in the FASTAPDIR global variable

When the TRA and PERA electronic files are saved, the application is fixed to parse the SPIDBNAME environment variable in the FASTAPDIR global variable and store the electronic files in a folder specified by the SPIDBNAME variable under the Tapes directory.

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