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May 2023 Major Release - 22.4.20

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-100202MN - Excel Download and Reports - Saved as .xlsxMN compliance reports are generated in .csv file format instead of .xlsx format. This issue is fixed to generate the report in .xlsx file format.
EFIN-100848MN PERA Demographics - Picks up employees with no demographic changesEmployees without demographic changes were reported as a change in the MN PERA Demographics file. This issue has been fixed.
EFIN-100900Corrected issue preventing paychecks from opening in 22.4 NEW EACThe application has been changed to open the paychecks in the Salary and Benefits - Payroll Vouchers option in New EAC.
EFIN-100970MN UFARS Chapter X Validation Report - Internal Server ErrorDue to an internal server error, the MN UFARS Chapter X Validation report generation took longer than 4 minutes. This issue has been fixed.
EFIN-101059MN TRA - Load Summary Report - Warning Message

The MN TRA Load Summary Report has been modified to exclude the following warning messages:

  • Member Contribution is Missing

  • Employer Contribution is Missing

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