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March 2023 Minor Release - 22.4.17

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-98340MN - UFARS , PERA Exclusion , PERA Retirement , TRA Retirement Load Process -Timeout Issue

MN - The timeout issues associated with loading the following reports have been fixed using an asynchronous mechanism:


  • PERA Exclusion

  • PERA Retirement

  • TRA Retirement

EFIN-98590MN -TRA Report - Member Contributions are Reported Incorrectly

MN TRA -For the Unearned type, the employee must pay the EE and ER portions of the contribution. But, the ER portion that must be reported as a member contribution, is reported incorrectly. This issue has been fixed.

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