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January 2023 Minor Release - 20.11.51, 22.4.13

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-92003MN PERA/TRA reports reports error log for pending employees

MN PERA/TRA - As a part of the load for the PERS and TRA reports pending employees were considered for the load, and an error was encountered for the incomplete information on the pending employees. The issue is fixed by excluding the Pending Employees during the load process of the report.

EFIN-95527UFARS Maintenance Obj/Src field & Hardcopy District code issue fix

The following issues were fixed as a part of this release:

  1. UFARS Report - The maintenance screen is not displaying the value for the Obj/Src grid, even with translations available for the migrated data. The same has been fixed.
  2. UFARS Report - On the hard copy report, the district codes are formatted incorrectly. The same has been fixed.
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