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February 2023 Major Release - 22.4.14

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-96774MN TRA - Null reference issue when an employee have 2 or more TRA deduction codesMN TRA - When an employee has two or more TRA deduction codes, an error message is displayed on the Load Summary Report due to the load process. The same has been fixed.
EFIN-96683UFARS Report -For Closing Summary and MARSS table, the year to display as 4 digits

UFARS Report - The display format for the year is enhanced to display with four digits for the following reports.

  • MN UFARS - UFARS Closing/Summary
  • MARSS Table
EFIN-96620MN PERA - Reporting Employee and Employer Contributions Loading as ZeroMN PERA - The employee and employer contributions are loading as zero when the employee has multiple PERA deductions attached as part of the deduction. The same has been fixed now.
EFIN-89525MN PERA Demographics - Unable to add an employee recordUnable to add an employee record on the Maintenance screen. The same has been fixed.
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