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April 2024 Release - 22.4.31, 23.10.6

Resolved Issue

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:



The following issue has been resolved:



Release Note


MN TRA : Reporting Date Fixes

The MN TRA Load was fixed to populate the Reporting Dates based on the following criteria. If the Include Summer Pay option on the Load page is unchecked, fetch the data from the mn_paygroups table with the payrun matching the check payrun and group_ascii matching the check dedgross. 

  • If a matching record is found in the mn_paygroups table, then use that record's start and end dates. 

  • If a record is not found, match it against the payrate's paygroup and use the paygroup's start and end dates.

  • If a record is not found, match the payrun against the check's payrun, match group_x against #, and use the start and end dates from the matching record. Include a warning in the load summary stating: NO PAYGROUP IN MN_PAYGROUPS FOR VALUE {X} - DEFAULT GROUP # USED.


MN TRA : Contribution Report Electronic File & Hardcopy - SSN Update

The MN TRA Contribution report was fixed to print the latest SSN in electronic files and in hard copies—PDF and Excel.

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