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April 2023 Major Release - 22.4.18

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-21730MN PERA Demographics - Picks up Employees with no Demographic ChangesMN PERA Demographics - Employee records without demographic changes are included. This issue has been fixed now.
EFIN-99197MN UFARS Chapter X - Incorrect ValidationsFor MN UFARS Chapter X, incorrect validation occurs for the data loaded through migration. This issue has been fixed.
EFIN-99233MN UFARS - Beginning Balance-Related Issues

The following Beginning Balances related issues are fixed:

  • Descriptions to Exclude are not displayed on the data load.

  • Beginning Balances Calculations do not exclude the descriptions configured in the Descriptions to Exclude Setup.

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