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November 2022 Major Release -

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11
  • Version 22.4

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-90586MI MEIS REP Updates for Fall 2022 - Educator Effectiveness

The following changes have been made for the Fall 2022 submission of the MEIS REP report:

  • If an employee has assignment code 00280, an error is reported during the Load process and when adding a record if the employee does not have an educator effectiveness rating.

  • If an employee has assignment code 00599, an error is reported during the Load process and when adding a record if the employee does not have an educator effectiveness rating.

EFIN-91076MI - Error when trying to access ORS PSERS

Users who click on the ORS PSERS report for the first time receive an unauthorized user error. The same has been fixed now.

EFIN-92197MI FID Cross walk - "Balance Sheet Major Class" and "Revenue Suffix" does not load

The user could not load the Balance Sheet Major Class and the Revenue Suffix pages on the Setup> Crosswalk form for MI-FID Crosswalk. The same has been fixed now.

EFIN-92546FID Report - Error when trying to create a detail Report

Generating the detailed FID Report encountered an error. This has been fixed.

This is for Version 19.4 and 20.11.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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