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May 2022 Minor Release - 20.11.35

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-77636Additional DTL4 records to be created

The application has been enhanced to address the requirement that with every DTL2 record, a DTL4 record will be reported for an employee if the retirement deduction codes added on the reference table are part of an employee’s payroll setup.

EFIN-82542Deduction codes with the type ‘'T' to now appear in the TDP code drop down list

An issue was discovered with the TDP Code field in Purchase Agreements in the MI ORS-PSERS report reference table, where the TDP deduction codes could not be selected from the drop-down. Instead, an incorrect TDP Code was defaulted and saved causing the Tax-Deferred Payments not to be loaded. This issue is now resolved.

If any new Purchase Agreements were entered since migrating to version 19.4 and above, the TDP Code needs to be updated to the correct deduction in Human Resources > State > ORS-PSERS (Public School Employees Retirement) > Reference Tables > Purchase Agreement.

EFIN-83116MI Quarterly Wage Report Electronic file saved with .txt extensionUsers can now save the MI Quarterly Wage report electronic file with a .txt extension.
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