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August 2024 Release - 20.11.73, 22.4.35, 23.10.10

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


MI ORS PSERS Report - DTL4 fixes

DTL4 salary calculation is fixed in a few cases when the check contains only the bonus-related paycode, and that salary is not getting added to the DTL4 record.


MI ORS PSERS Report | DLT2 Salary fixes for Retirees

DTL2 Salary calculation logic is fixed for the Retirees. After the fix, for the retirees, the admin can choose to use the HRM Profile → State Window → Table Code for Pay Codes not Reportable for DTL2 Non-Reportable User-defined code table to exclude any paycode’s salary to be reported through DTL2.

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