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April 29, 2022 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-70627MI FID: Download Button in Main Screen

The MI FID download button on the main screen for FID is functional. Users can now download records in pdf or excel formats.

EFIN-81655Edit and Save changes in MI ORS moduleUsers can edit and save changes to records in the MI ORS module under MIP Wage and service form.
EFIN-81730MI - ORS Class Additional Functionality

In the Michigan ORS retirement reporting, customers wanted to use the Account Code in combination with the Job Class to determine the ORS Class Code.

To accomplish this, we have made the following updates:

  • Introduced a drop-down option under the Human Resource profile to provide the ability to use a mix of both as a Basis for ORS class code and as a third option PowerSchool ERP > System Administration> Profiles > Human Resource Profile> State window >Basis for ORS Class > ACCT/CLASS -Account Code with Job class Override.

  • Once the option is selected, the user can enter a Job class to override the designated Account code used to determine the ORS class code.

EFIN-82913MI Unemployment Report - Error during report generation fixedCorrected issue where the Hard copy and Electronic file generation displayed errors when W-2 information was not set up for the Michigan Unemployment report.
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