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September 2024 Release - 20.11.74, 22.4.36, 23.10.11

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


MD MSDE Reports | GL Statute Enhancement

GL Statute has been enhanced to support different Org levels within eFinancePlus.

  • Flow 1

    • The reporting structure contains the GL Statute, which could be mapped to an Org Level within eFinancePlus and the starting and ending positions within the level.

    • Based on the above Reporting Structure, GL Statute Crosswalk could be defined through Setup > Level Crosswalk.

      • Example: Local Code 123 could be mapped to State Code 5-229.

  • Flow 2

    • GL Statute (optional field) could be added to the existing GL Account Crosswalk.

      • Copy and upload functionality supports the GL Statute field as well.

    • Still, adding the GL Statute to the Reporting Structure is mandatory.

  • The logic for fetching the GL Statute depends on the GL Account Crosswalk or Level Crosswalk, depending on the flag on the HRM Profile > State window > Use GL Account Crosswalk.

    • If the GL Account Crosswalk is checked, the load logic checks it first. If it is not found, it checks the Level Crosswalk next. If it is not found, it defaults to NA.

    • If the GL Account Crosswalk is not checked, the load logic checks the Level Crosswalk only, and if not found, it defaults to NA.


New Field Added to Maryland Annual Staff Report Information Defined Window

A new Career Ladder field has been added to Defined Window 10 - Maryland Annual Staff Report Information. The options for this field will be pre-populated in Main Menu > Human Resources > Reference Tables > Personnel > User Defined Codes with the code CD. If you already have a CD code defined here, you can navigate to Main Menu > System Administration > Administration > Profiles > Human Resources Profile > State Window and set a 2-character code of your choosing. The next time you run the state database updates, the User Defined Codes page will be populated with the options using the code you defined. The Career Ladder Code field on the Human Resources Profile > State Window must be populated to modify Defined Window 10, and it will be populated with CD if that code is not already in use. In the future, any new Career Ladder options can be added to the validation by entering them into User Defined Codes with the given code.


MD Transaction Details Report - fixed the Duplicate unique identifier

Fixed an issue with the MD Transaction Details Report’s Unique identifier grouping logic for the Fiscal Year; Budget Unit; Account; Date; LEA (district code) so that the unique identifier doesn’t duplicate on the load logic and eventually on the reports.


MD MSDE Entities Report - two new fields added according to the latest specifications

MD MSDE Entities Report - two new fields added according to the latest specifications:


    • Added to the maintenance screen of the Entities Report and defaulted to Blank.

    • Currently, there is no logic to populate this field. Hence, the districts are expected to manually edit it on the maintenance screen after the load process. The allowed values are Blank (default), Yes, and No.

    • According to the latest specs, the new field is added to the hard copy PDF and Excel files and the electronic file format (.tsv).


    • This new field has been added to the electronic file format (.tsv) per the latest specs. In almost all cases, the Local Entity Key will be the same as MSDE_SCHOOL_ID.

    • The existing “School Code” field on the maintenance screen is also attributed to the new field, which deals with the same School Number.

    • There’s no change to the hard copy PDF and Excel files.


MD GL Accounts Report Load - UI Timeout Fixed

MD GL Accounts Report: UI timeout encountered while running a load has been fixed.

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