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September 2023 Release - 19.4.81, 20.11.62, 22.4.24

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version

  • Version

  • Version

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


New menu link for MSDE Period Balances Report

A new menu option, MSDE Period Balances Report (Menu path: From Fund Accounting menu, select Sate. From State-MD menu, select MSDE Period Balances Report) is added to create the Period Balances Report.

Based on your selection of the Use GL Account Crosswalk option on the Human Resources Profile State Window, the Load option will either load the data based on the Reporting Structure and Level Crosswalk specified in the Setup option or load the data based on the GL Account Crosswalk defined. The Level Crosswalk can be used to specify crosswalks on the values in the individual levels of your organization code, whereas the GL Account Crosswalk crosswalks the entire organization code to the appropriate MSDE values.

Ensure to complete the proper setup before executing the Load option. Once the data is loaded, user can view and edit before running the Reports option.

This change is applicable to versions and


MD Earnings Limitation Report enhanced to exclude Pay codes that need not be reported

If the Pay code has the Exclude Earnings flag enabled, then the load logic for the MD Earnings Limitation Report will not consider the wages related to those pay codes.

This change is applicable to versions and


Compliance Reports' Browser Favicon updated

Compliance Reports' Browser Favicon updated to make it consistent.

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