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July 2024 Release - 20.11.72, 22.4.34, 23.10.9

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


MD Retirement Systems Report | Enhancement to support the 10 month employee reporting

The MD Retirement Systems report is enhanced to exclude employees without contributions. This is to support the following enhancement:
The payroll data and contributions for all employees who work ten months of the year (August or September through June, depending on payroll period ending dates) should only be reported when they are actively working and contributing. All reported payrolls should have contributions reported.


MD Retirement Systems Report | Hardcopy - Excel fixed to show the correct Annual Earnable Salary

Corrected the Annual Earnable Salary on the Excel spreadsheet to report the exact value on the Maintenance page and PDF file.
The extension of the Excel hard copy is changed from .csv to .xlsx.


MD GL Accounts Report | Load exception issue fixed

Fixed the MD GL Accounts Report load error encountered when any Organization level values are the same with different key organization codes.

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