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July 2023 Release - 20.11.60, 22.4.22

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:



The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


New MSDE GL Accounts Report

A new MSDE GL Accounts Report menu option is added for MD financial reporting.

In addition, a new Use GL Account Crosswalk check box is added to the Human Resources Profile - State Window. This new check box must be selected to use the GL Account Crosswalk while the MSDE GL Accounts Report data. By default, this check box is selected.

The existing MSDE Crosswalk field on the Human Resources Profile - State Window is renamed as Use Budget Code Crosswalk, and if selected, the budget code crosswalk is used for terminated employees on the annual staff report.


MD AFR Crosswalk - Load from File fixes

MD Financial Report’s GL Account Crosswalk load from the file is fixed to accommodate the hyphen in the account number.

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