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December 2024 Release - 22.4.39, 23.10.14

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:



The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


MD Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Report | Void Checks calculation related enhancement

The load logic of the Quarterly Unemployment Insurance report now considers the void checks that are voided in the previous and next quarter (until the report running date) from the current reporting quarter, in addition to the checks that get voided in the current quarter. Moreover, the load summary report contains the list of void checks with the information of their void date, if they are voided in the previous or next quarter from the current reporting quarter so that the district administrator can decide whether to correct them in the loaded data if they are already reported.


MD MSDE GL Account Crosswalk Upload File size enhancement

The MSDE GL Account Crosswalk upload file size limit has been increased from 1 MB to 10 MB to facilitate larger files.


MD MSDE Transaction Details Report | Enhancement to include all the transaction dates for a period

MSDE Transaction Details Report now includes all the transaction dates for a period without having to ignore the transactions if their dates fall in the next month.

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