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December 2022 Major Release - 20.11.48, 22.4.10

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version unless otherwise noted in the release note:


The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-88091Maryland Budget Crosswalk - Data Migration Error

Error encountered with data migration of Maryland Budget Crosswalk was fixed.

EFIN-92586MD Annual Staff Report - National Board Certification to be blank for terminated employees

The MD Annual Staff Report Load was fixed to populate blank values in the National Board Certification field for terminated employees.

The load needs to be re-run to reflect the changes.

This is for Version 20.11.

EFIN-92880MD Annual Staff Report - Not reporting all Employees

The MD Annual Staff Report Data load has been fixed to report all eligible Employees.

The load needs to be re-run to reflect the changes.

This is for Version 20.11.

EFIN-92881MD Annual Staff Report - Reports Location incorrectly

The MD Annual Staff Report was fixed to display locations correctly wherever employees had multiple locations assigned.

The load needs to be re-run to reflect the changes.

This is for Version 20.11.

EFIN-92969MD Annual Staff Report - Error reported while generating prior year data

The MD Annual Staff Report gave an error while generating the report for prior year data. The same has been fixed.

This is for Version 20.11.

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