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LA Retirement Report - Annual

The Annual LA Retirement Report is accessed by selecting the following menu path: Human Resources > State > LA Retirement Report - Annual.

Report Specific Setup

Before running either the annual or monthly retirement report the user should update information on the Human Resources – State page (Menu path System Administration >All>Profiles->Human Resources Profile, then State Window in the action bar). The Employer Information section impacts the Annual and Monthly Retirement reports.

Field Name


Employer TRSL ID

Enter the 4-digit employer ID to be used when reporting on the TRSL (Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana) plan. This ID is also used for LSERs (Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System.

Employer ORP ID

Enter the 4-digit employer ID to be used when reporting on the ORP (Optional Retirement Plan).

Employer PAR ID

Enter the 4-digit employer ID to be used when reporting on the PAR (Parochial Employees' Retirement System of Louisiana).

Employer STA ID

Enter the 4-digit employer ID to be used when reporting on the STA (Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System, also known as LASERS).

The user must enter at least the Employer TRSL ID. If only the TRSL ID is entered then that will be used for any other retirement systems.

Generating Reports and Files

Field Name



Enter the year for which the report is being run. The value entered here is used to set the default Report Begin Date and Report End Date.

Report Begin Date

Enter the beginning date of the fiscal period for which information is being reported.

Report End Date:

Enter ending date of the fiscal period for which information is being reported.

Report System:

Select the retirement system for which data is being reported.

Include 1099 payments:

Check this to have qualified vendors and payments to them included in the report.

Use check transaction date:

By default, this report includes payments whose issued date is within the requested date range. Check this to instead use check transaction dates.

Exempt Pay Codes:

Select up to 10 pay codes that are exempt from retirement deductions. These will be excluded from the report.

Additional Pay Runs:

Enter up to 16 additional pay runs that are outside the selected date range, but that should be included in the report.

Each time the report is run both the hardcopy and electronic files will be produced. The electronic file is written to the user's report folder with the name ret_9999_YYYY.pgp, where 9999 is the Employer ID and YYYY is the report year.

Electronic File Layout and Data Mapping





Location in the Application

Fiscal Year




User-entered report year

Employer ID




Employer ID associated with the Retirement System being reported, as defined on the Human Resources Profile – State page. When the 'All' option is selected the TRSL Employer ID is used.

Social Security or Tax ID Number




For an employee: employee.ssn ; For a vendor: vendor.fed_id





Calculated from checkhi2.amt

Position Description




FOR AN EMPLOYEE: Program lookup. If laep_set.use_assign = "Y" then lookup is based on asntable.fin_field3 and asntable.fin_field4; otherwise it is based on lap_acct.object and lap_acct.function. Default value is 'SUBSTITUTE'. FOR A VENDOR: value is 'contract'.

Employment Type




FOR AN EMPLOYEE: if person.part_time = "P", value is "PT"; otherwise, value is "FT". FOR A VENDOR: value is "PT".

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