LA PEP Report
The LA PEP Report is accessed by selecting the following menu path: Human Resources > State > LA PEP Report.
The information for LA PEP reporting has been replicated and enhanced to provide the EdLink reporting in parallel for the state testing period with Louisiana. Updates to the online documentation are forthcoming.
Report Specific Setup
Setup within Human Resources Reference Tables
Assignment Code Table
Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Personnel > Assignment Codes
Field: | Notes |
Fund | Funding source for salary amount |
Object | LEA object code describing activity |
Function | LEA function code describing activity |
Degrees Table
Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Education > Degrees.
Field: | Notes |
State Degree Code | State Defined Educational Level code which corresponds to the local degree code. |
Leave Code Table
Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Leave Codes.
Field | Notes |
Leave Type | State Defined leave type |
Pay Code Table
Path: Human Resources > Reference Tables > Payroll > Pay Codes.
Field | Notes |
PEP Pay Type | State Defined pay type |
Setup within Employee Information
Employee Certifications
Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Employee Information > Personnel Information Dropdown > Certifications/Licenses.
Only one certification can be marked as current. Identify the current primary certification which should be reported for the employee should be reported by selecting either 'Primary' or 'Set Suffix to 'N'' from the Primary field dropdown, depending on whether the Suffix indicator is required by the state for the certification.
Personnel-Defined Page 1000 – Louisiana PEP Data
On the application start page, select Human Resources.
Select Entry & Processing, then from the Employee menu, select Employee Information.
Enter the search criteria, then select Search. Alternatively, you can select Exclude Pending Employees and then select Search.
Select the employee record, and then select Accept.
Select Personnel Information, and then select Defined Windows.
Select 1000, and then select Accept.
Refer to Field Descriptions and enter valid information.
On the navigation bar, select Accept.
Field Descriptions
Field | Description | Required? | ||||
Minutes/Day | The number of minutes/day the employee typically works. This is an override field. If it is not populated, the default value is retrieved from the LA PEP setup page. | N | ||||
Cert Except. | The Certificate exception code for teachers without a Louisiana certificate. | N | ||||
Sabbatical Cd | The Sabbatical type code indicating the sabbatical type taken. | N | ||||
PEP Exempt? | Indicates whether the employee is exempt from PEP reporting. | N | ||||
Annual Minutes | The number of annual minutes worked. This is an override field. If it is not populated, the system calculates the minutes. | N | ||||
Mentor Teacher | Indicates whether the employee is a mentor teacher. | N | ||||
Content Leader | Indicates whether the employee is a content leader. | N | ||||
Intervention | Indicates whether the employee is an intervention content leader. Thi field is no longer used. | N | ||||
Paraprof Qual | Indicates whether the employee is a qualified paraprofessional. | N | ||||
Retire Code | The employee's Retirement plan code. The valid values are defined in the User-defined table RC. | Y if reported | ||||
Retire Return | The employee's Retiree return code under which the retired employee returned to work. The valid values are defined in the User-defined table RR. | N | ||||
Salary Reduct. | The employee's Salary reduction code representing the reason for the salary reduction. | N | ||||
Status Code | The employee's LEA status code. Valid values:
The default is 01. | N | ||||
Tenure Status | The employee's Tenure status code. | N | ||||
Ten Add Date | The employee's Tenure add date. | N | ||||
Ten Lost Date | The employee's Tenure lost date. | N | ||||
Lost Reason | The employee's Tenure lost reason. | N |
LA PEP Setup
Setup within the LA PEP Module
Before loading LA PEP employee records, certain LA PEP module setups are needed. These setups are accessed via the Setup option in the Actions dropdown located on the main page of the LA PEP module, menu path: Human Resources->State->LA PEP report.
Setup page
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
LEA/Sponsor Code | Three digit state code indicating the district. | lapep_set.lea |
Leave Days/Hours | Whether leave is calculated in days or hours. | lapep_set.lvinhrs |
Default Workday Minutes | Default to use for calculating annual minutes on site/position records if an individual value is not entered for a person on the LA PEP demographic screen. | lapep_set.deflt_min |
Sales Tax Revenue Included | formerly used in the 001 record - deprecated – no need to set | lapep_set.sales_flg |
Administrative Pay Raises Included | formerly used in the 001 record - deprecated – no need to set | lapep_set.admnpay_flg |
Instructional Pay Raises Included | formerly used in the 001 record - deprecated – no need to set | lapep_set.instpay_flg |
Support Pay Raises Included | formerly used in the 001 record - deprecated – no need to set | lapep_set.supppay_flg |
Use Assignment Table | If checked - when loading the LA PEP Site records, use employee assignments. If not checked, Site record information will be determined using crosswalking from employee payrates/ distributions. NOTE: The assignments reference table contains certain LA-specific accounts fields, as noted above under LA PEP Report Reference Table setups. | lapep_set.use_assgn |
Site Start Position | position in distribution code where site code begins if using account distribution instead of assignments. | lapep_set.sitepos |
After completing the Setup Page, two further setups are needed:
1) maintaining state/local account crosswalk from the Accounts dropdown menu, and
2) maintaining employee rates history from the Employee Rates dropdown menu - Payrate history and either Distribution or Assignment history (depending on whether you are using distributions or assignments) for the report period and year.
Accounts options
The Accounts dropdown opens three menu options: Load Accounts, Maintain Accounts, and Mass Change Accounts. *Accounts need only be maintained if creating Site/Position records from employee distribution history. If creating Site/Position records from Assignments, these setups are not required.*
Load Accounts page
This option opens the LA PEP Report – Setup – Load Accounts page.
Prompt | Notes |
Ledger Year To Load | Enter the fiscal year for which you want to load account. |
Report Year | Enter the report year |
Level of Function | Select the level of your organization table representing the Function. A dropdown populates from your specific Fund Accounting profile. In this case, you would select level 2-FUNCTION. |
Fund Balance Accounts | Enter fund balance accounts, if any. Wildcards may be used, e.g., 3*. |
**NOTE :
To use the LOAD option and the account translation maintenance options following, the budget code and accounts entered on the employee's payrate screen must be in the following format:
Budget Code: XXFFFFSSS999 Account: 9OOO9
where XX is the fund FFFF is the 4 digit function, any three of the remaining digits of the budget code is the site code and OOO (character 2-4) of the Account is the object.\
e.g., 01121000499 61160 will set the employee's job classification of:
Object: 116
Function: 1210
Fund: 01
Site: 004
Maintain Accounts page
This option opens the LA PEP Report – Setup – Maintain Accounts page.
(Please see note immediately above for the LOAD accounts page for the payrate distribution budget code and account setup requirements.)
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
Year | Ledger year table was copied from | lap_acct.yr |
Budget Code Descriptions | District key organization/Title of key organization | lap_acct.dis_keyorgn/ lap_acct.o_title |
Account | District account/Title of account | lap_acct.dis_account/ lap_acct.a_title |
State Fund | Code indicating employee's primary function (Fund portion from Louisiana Accounting Handbook) | |
State Object | Code indicating employee's primary function (Object portion from La Accounting Handbook) | lap_acct.object |
State Function | Code indicating employee's primary function (Function portion from La Accounting Handbook) | lap_acct.function |
Location | Internally defined site code | |
Mass Change Accounts page
This option opens the LA PEP Report – Setup – Mass Change Accounts page.
Prompt | Notes |
Year | Report year |
Current (Fund Fund, State Object, State Function) | Enter the current state fund value, state object, or state function (not the local values) the user wishes to change |
New (State, Fund, State Object, State Function) | Enter the values the user wishes the current changed to. |
Employee Rates Options
Save Employee Rates
This option saves into LA PEP system tables employee payrate, distribution and assignment information for the report year and submission type (Budget or Actual) which will later be used by the LA PEP load. It replaces any existing LA PEP data for the selected report year and submission type.
Prompt | Notes |
Year | Report year |
Submission Type | Submission Type – Budget or Actual |
Individual Employee | Optionally, data can be saved or resaved for an individual employee. If no employee is selected, data is loaded for all employees. |
Distributions are automatically loaded into LA PEP distribution history when the Save Employee Rates is performed. They are used only if the 'Use Assignment Table' checkbox on the LA PEP Setup page is unchecked.
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
Year | Start year of the fiscal period (so if school year 2014-2015, then 2014) | lapdist.syear |
Budget/Actual | Submission type | lapdist.rtype |
Employee Number | Employee Number | lapdist.empl_no |
Rate Number | Payrate number associated with distribution | lapdist.rate_no |
Class | Job class associated with payrate associated with distribution | lapdist.classify |
Position | NOT IN USE | lapdist.pos |
Budget Code | Key organization of distribution | lapdist.orgn |
Account | Distribution account | lapdist.acct |
Percent | Percent of associated payrate paid under this distribution | lapdist.prcent |
Assignments are automatically loaded into LA PEP assignment history when the Save Employee Rates is performed. They are used to create Site/Position records if the 'Use Assignment Table' checkbox on the LA PEP Setup page is checked. Not all fields in the LA PEP assignment history table are displayed on the screen.
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
Year | Start year of the fiscal period (so if school year 2014-2015, then 2014) | lapasgn.syear |
Budget/Actual | Submission type | lapasgn.rtype |
Employee Number | Employee Number | lapasgn.empl_no |
Assignment code | Assignment code of the assignment | lapasgn.asncode |
Percent | Percent of time for the assignment | lapasgn.perc_time |
Period | NOT IN USE | lapasgn.period |
Location | locally defined location | lapasgn.location |
State Fund | state fund, defined by assignment on assignment table | lapasgn.afund |
State Object | state object defined by assignment on assignment table | lapasgn.aobject |
State Function | state function, defined by assignment on assignment table | lapasgn.afunction |
Pay Rates
Pay Rates are automatically loaded into LA PEP pay rate history when the Save Employee Rates is performed. They are used in either case that Distributions or Assignments are used to create site records.
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
Year | Start year of the fiscal period (so if school year 2014-2015, then 2014) | laprate.syear |
Budget/Actual | Submission type | laprate.rtype |
Employee Number | Employee Number | laprate.empl_no |
Rate Number | Payrate rate number | laprate.rate_no |
Class | Job Class | laprate.classify |
Primary | Primary or secondary rate | laprate.primry |
Pay Code | Pay Code | laprate.pay_cd |
Contract Position | Is position a contract position or not | laprate.cont_flg |
Start Date | Contract Start Date | laprate.cont_start |
End Date | Contract End Date | laprate.cont_end |
Pay Start | Pay Start Date | laprate.pay_start |
Pay End | Pay End Date | laprate.pay_end |
Pay Method | Pay Method | laprate.pay_method |
Days Worked | Actual Days worked per year | laprate.days_worked |
Pay Group | Pay Group | laprate.group_x |
Annual Salary | Annual Salary | laprate.annl_sal |
Contract Days | Number of Days in contract | laprate.cont_days |
Contract Limit | Contract pay amount limit | laprate.cont_lim |
Status | Status of Rate – Active, Inactive, or Terminated. | laprate.status_x |
Delete Employee Rates
Selecting this option brings up the Confirmation Message.
If the user selects 'Yes', all Pay Rates in LA PEP Report – Setup – Employee Rates and their corresponding distributions in LA PEP Report – Setup – Employee Rates will be deleted if the corresponding baseline payrate has the status of 'Terminated.'
Loading the Data
After all the setups are complete, LA PEP report records, including demographic, site/position, non-attendance and class records, may be loaded into the LA PEP record work tables.
LA PEP demographic, site and non-attendance records are loaded via the LOAD action on the ACTIONS dropdown on the main report page. LA PEP class records are loaded via the CLASSES action located on the same dropdown. Both options are available via menu path: Human Resources > State > LA PEP Report, Actions dropdown.
If the Load option is selected, the LA PEP Report - Load page appears.
Prompt | Notes |
Year | Report year (enter the beginning year of the fiscal period |
Submission Type | Submission Type – Budget or Actual |
Report Dates | Auto populates when Year is selected, but user may select different start and end dates. |
Non-Attendance Date Range | Auto populates when Year is selected, but user may select different start and end dates. |
Employee Status | Optionally, the load can be performed for certain classes of employees, including Active, Leave Without Pay, Applicant, etc. as displayed on the Employee Status dropdown. The Employee Status dropdown is populated from local status codes maintained in the Employee Status table in Human Resources > Reference Table > Personnel > Status Codes. |
Nurse Certification Verified | Indicates whether primary certifications starting with RN must be flagged as verified. |
The LA PEP Demographics, Site/Position, and Non-Attendance Record work tables will be populated via this load.
LA PEP Classes
If the Classes option is selected, the LA PEP Report - Classes page appears.
Prompt | Notes |
Year | Report year (enter the beginning year of the fiscal period |
Submission Type | Submission Type – Budget or Actual |
Upload file – sistea.txt from the Student Information System used by the district.
The Class Schedule Load uploads and parses a file which must be named sistea.txt and placed in the user's report directory (FASRPTDIR). sistea.txt must be a comma-delimited file in the following format:
where the fields are:
SSN, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name (or can be blank but must be separated by a comma),class-ID, PPID (the last three digits of the PPID are used to locate the local class site).
The LA PEP Class Schedule records will be populated via this load.
The report also includes Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) of less than 1. Partial FTEs are loaded, and partial amounts are included in the report.
Maintaining the Data
LA PEP Demographic Record Maintenance
On the LA PEP Report page, filter records by the search criteria.
To add a record, select Add new. Refer to Field Descriptions, enter information in the required fields, and then select Accept.
You can edit or delete records:
To edit a record, select the record and then select Accept. Update the information and select Accept.
To delete a record, select the record, Delete, and then select Yes.
Field Descriptions
Employee Information Tab
Field | Description | |
Year | The start year of the fiscal period. For example, if the school year is 2022-2023, select 2014. | |
Budget/Actual | The submission type. Select:
| |
Employee Number | The employee's unique number. | |
Social Security Number | The employee's social security number. | |
LEA Code | The state-defined Local Education Agency (LEA) code. | |
Gender | The employee's gender. | |
First Name | The employee's first name. | |
Middle Name | The employee's middle name. | |
Last Name | The employee's last name. | |
Suffix | The employee's name suffix. | |
Staff Email | The employee's staff email address. | |
Paraprofessional Qualified Status | Indicates whether the employee is a qualified paraprofessional. | |
Ethnicity/Race | The employee's ethnicity or race. Select:
Teacher Information Tab
General Information Section
Field | Description | |
Certificate Type/Number/Suffix | The certificate type is listed in the current PEP Employer Manual. The certificate number is a six-digit certificate number. The certificate suffix is required for employee status codes 01, 03, 04, and 05. For employee status code 02, this field is optional or blank. The Certificate Type and Certificate Number fields must be blank when using a Certificate Exception Code. | |
Certificate Exception Code | The code representing the allowed exception in which a teacher may teach without possessing a Louisiana teaching certificate issued by the Office of Teacher Certification. Select:
The Certificate Type and Certificate Number fields must be blank when using a Certificate Exception Code. | |
Education Level | The code indicating the highest level of academic achievement on which the employee's salary is based. Select:
| |
Years Experience | The employee's total years of experience. | |
Days Employed | The number of employment days. | |
Part/Full Time | Indicates whether the employee is full- or part-time. Select:
| |
Retirement Code | The code representing the retirement system in which the employee is an active participant. Select:
| |
Retiree Return Code | The code for retirees returning to work. Select:
| |
Sabbatical Status | The employee's sabbatical status. Select:
| |
Salary Reduction Code | The code indicating why an employee’s June 30 salary data are less than the budgeted salary data when the time worked equals the same full-time equivalent (FTE) status reflected in the October 1 data collection. Select:
For example, for the October 1 data collection period, an employee’s total salary is budgeted at $40,000.00, with an FTE = 1. The total salary paid for the June 30 collection is $27,000.00, with an FTE = 1. A salary reduction code would indicate that while the FTE remained 1, some situations resulted in a salary reduction. | |
Employee Status | The employee's status code.
| |
Hire Date | The employee's date of hire. | |
Exit Reason Code | The code for the employee's reason for exiting employment. | |
Nurse Certification Number | The value is retrieved from the certification number when the employee has a certificate with the certification type RN and the certificate is set as the primary certification. | |
Nurse Certification Verified | Indicates whether the Nurse Certification Number must be verified during the Load process. Tbis option is selected by default. |
Highly Qualified Teacher Information Section
Indicates that the employee is highly qualified according to the definition of a Highly Qualified Teacher in the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
Elementary-Foreign Language
Middle School-English
Middle School-Math
Middle School-Science
Middle School-Social Studies
Middle School-Foreign Language
High School-English
High School-Math
High School-Science
High School-Social Studies
High School-Foreign Language
High School-Art
Minutes and Salary Information Section
Field | Description |
Workday Minutes | The number of minutes in the average workday applicable for the combination of one or more contracts under which the individual was employed during the school year being reported. |
Total Salary | The employee's total annual salary for all the positions for which the employee is assigned, excluding PIP Salary. For employee status codes 01 and 05, this field is required. For employee status codes 02, 03, and 04, this field must contain 000000 (6 zeroes). |
PIP Salary | The additional salary amount provided to PIP participants. |
Demand Salary | The employee's total demand salary. |
Performance Salary | The employee's total performance salary. |
Tenure Information
Field | Description | |
Status | The employee's tenure status code. This field is required for employee status codes 01 and 05. | |
Add Date | The date the employee received tenure. This field is required for tenure status code 01. | |
Lost Date | The date the employee lost tenure. This field is required for tenure status code 03. | |
Lost Reason | The reason the employee lost tenure. This field is required for tenure status code 03. |
LA PEP Site Or Position Record Maintenance
To access the Site/Position Records for an employee, select the employee record from employee list on the Demographic page and click into the bottommost, detail section for the employee. The 'Other Employee Records' menu dropdown will be activated from the action bar. Please note that when clicking on the 'Other Employee Records' dropdown when the page is in list mode and the middle of the page is active, the items in the dropdown are not activated.
'Other Employee Records' dropdown options are active when the bottom of the page is active.
Click on the Site/Position option to obtain Site/Position records for the selected employee.
The Site/Position page appears with records for the selected employee.
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
Year | Start year of the fiscal period (so if school year 2014-2015, then 2014) | lapep_site.rpt_yr |
Budget/Actual | Submission type | lapep_site.rtype |
Employee Number | Employee Number | lapep_site.empl_no |
Social Security | Social Security Number | lapep_site.ssn |
Site | Local Site code | |
Home Site | Check if this is the employee’s home location | lapep_site.home_site |
LEA Code | State-defined LEA code | lapep_site.lea |
Employment Begin Date | The initial employment date of the employee for the current fiscal year.Examples: For 12-month employees, the date should be "0701YYYY." For 9-month employees in a district where the first day of school for employees is August 15, the date should be "0815YYYY."* *(Indicate the first day employees must report to work before the first day of classes.) | lapep_site.bdate |
Employment End Date | The last employment date of the employee for the current fiscal year.Examples: For twelve (12) month employees, the end date should be 0630YYYY. For nine (9) month employees, the end date should be the last day the employee is assigned to work. | lapep_site.edate |
Annual Minutes Worked | For the October collection period, report the total number of minutes that the employee is projected to work for fiscal year. For the June 30 collection period, report the total number of minutes employee worked during fiscal year. For Employee Status Codes 01 and 05, field is required For Employee Status Codes 02, 03, and 04, must be 6 zeroes. For the Budget report, annual minutes are calculated from the employee payrate and distributions for the employee for the combination of state object and function. For some pay, minutes are shared with base pay. For other pay, salary is calculated but no minutes. For the June 30 collection, the total number of minutes is calculated using check history and detailed distribution information in application, considering the type of pay the employee received.. | lapep_site.a_minutes |
Classification/State Object | Classification/State Object | lapep_site.ta_object |
State Function | State Function | lapep_site.ta_function |
Salary 1 | The total annual budgeted/actual salary for all classification(s) reported in the Site-Position record(s) for the reported Social Security Number. This amount includes all salary types, excluding the PIP Salary Amount. The sum of the salary amounts reported on the site-position records will be matched against the Total Salary Amount reported on the Staff record. NOTE: For the October collection period, the total salary amount is always the amount budgeted (excluding PIP) for the contract time period specified in the Staff record. For the June 30 collection period, the total salary amount will reflect the actual salary paid for the span of the contract(s). | lapep_site.salary1 |
State Fund | Indicates the funding source for the salary amount identified in one of the five salary occurrences listed in the Site-Position record. Funding codes are as follows: 01 General Fund 10 Federal Use the code 10 to indicate other federal funding sources not listed below. 11 NCLB Funds (No Child Left Behind) 12 Special Education Funds 13 Title 1 Funds 20 Special Revenue 21 School Food Service Use the code 21 to indicate all special fund sources related to the Child Nutrition Programs. (Includes School Lunch, Breakfast, After School Snacks, Catering and Nutrition Education Programs.) 30 Capital Projects | lapep_site.account1 |
Salary Type | Code used to indicate the type of salary for the reported dollar amount. There are three salary types. They are as follows: 1 = Base Salary is the employee’s regular salary excluding PIP Amount, Extra Compensation, Extended Employment. For the June 30 collection period, if an individual earns overtime pay the overtime pay would be included as Base Salary. The Employee’s contract and minute count would be adjusted to reflect the additional time worked. 2 = Extra Compensation is additional salary paid to an employee for additional duties outside his or her regular job assignment. Activities such as coaching, yearbook advisor, cheerleader sponsor, etc. are considered additional duties and meet the definition for Extra Compensation. 3 = Extended Employment is the additional salary paid to vocational education instructors. The employee’s classification code must include a function code in the 13XX series. 4= National Board Certified Teacher is the additional salary paid to a teacher that has received a certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) NOTE: Three data elements are needed to define salary data reported in the Site-Position record. If an employee’s regular salary of $35,000.00 is paid from three funding sources, the salary data would be reported in the Site-Position as follows: Amount $10,000.00 Amount $10,000.00 Amount $15,000.00 Salary Type =1 Salary Type = 1 Salary Type = 1 Fund code = 01 Fund Code = 10 Fund Code = 20 Special Note: If not applicable, this field should remain blank. | lapep_site.sal_type1 |
Salary 2 | lapep_site.salary2 | |
State Fund | lapep_site.account2 | |
Salary Type | lapep_site.sal_type2 | |
Salary 3 | lapep_site.salary3 | |
State Fund | lapep_site.account3 | |
Salary Type | lapep_site.sal_type3 | |
Salary 4 | lapep_site.salary4 | |
State Fund | lapep_site.account4 | |
Salary Type | lapep_site.sal_type4 | |
Salary 5 | lapep_site.salary5 | |
State Fund | lapep_site.account5 | |
Salary Type | lapep_site.sal_type5 |
LA PEP Non-Attendance Record Maintenance
To access the Non-Attendance Records for an employee, select the employee record from the employee list on the Demographic page and click into the bottommost, detail section for the employee. The 'Other Employee Records' menu dropdown will be activated from the action bar. Please note that when clicking on the 'Other Employee Records' dropdown when the page is in list mode and the middle of the page is active, the items in the dropdown are not activated.
'Other Employee Records' dropdown options are active when the bottom of page is active.
Click on the Non-Attendance option to obtain Non-Attendance records for the selected employee. The Non-Attendance page will open.
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
Year | Start year of the fiscal period (so if school year 2014-2015, then 2014) | lap_non.rpt_yr |
Sequence Number | Leave Event number in sequence through the year; unique for each leave events | lap_non.lseqno |
Employee Number | Employee Number | lap_non.empl_no |
Social Security | SSN | lap_non.ssn |
LEA Code | State-defined LEA code | lap_non.lea |
Site | Local site code | |
First Name | Employee first name | lap_non.fname |
Middle Name | Employee middle name | lap_non.mname |
Last Name | Employee last name | lap_non.lname |
Suffix | Employee name suffix | lap_non.sname |
Event Type | State Defined Leave Event type - A two-digit Non-Attendance reporting category that denotes the primary reason the employee was away from his or her normal work activity. 01-Professional Development: School District/Agency sanctioned activities, other than those included in the school calendar, for the purpose of employee enhancement. Reportable activities include Curriculum-Based Workshops, Skills/Methods Training Workshops, and other workshops or training sessions related to the employee’s job responsibilities. 02-School Related Business: School District/Agency sanctioned activities, other than professional development. Examples of such activities are Participation on Various Committees, such as Textbook Advisory Committee, School Policy Committee, School Safety Councils, etc. Other activities in this category include the following: Teacher Assessment Activities, Student Enrichment, Community Outreach, and Court Summons or Subpoena relating to school business. 03-Personal/Sick/Emergency Leave: Paid or unpaid leave as approved by the School District/Agency for any personal reason(s). (This category excludes Extended Medical Leave, because the salary calculations are different.) 04-Extended Medical Leave: Medical leave as defined in Act 1341 of the 1999 Regular Legislative Session. The employee receives only 65% of his or her normal salary. There is a limit to the number of days that can be taken within a six-year period in this category. 05-Annual/Vacation Leave: Paid leave as approved by the School District/Agency. 06-Extenuating Circumstances: Paid or unpaid absences for time away from work that are outside the control of the employee. Examples of such activities are Jury Duty, Military Leave, Assault Pay, Administrative Leave, Worker’s Compensation, and any other School District/Agency approved absence not applicable to one of the categories listed above. | lap_non.etype |
Event Start Date | The first calendar day that the employee was away from his or her normal work activity for a specific occurrence of non-attendance. | lap_non.bdate |
Event End Date | The last calendar day that the employee was away from his or her normal work activity for a specific occurrence of non-attendance | lap_non.edate |
Days | The number of day(s), whole or half day(s), for which the employee was away from his or her normal work activity. Note: Day count is a four-digit field with an implied decimal. Three and one-half days of non-attendance would be reported as (0035).The last digit must equal 0 or 5. | lap_non.ldays |
LA PEP Class Schedule Record Maintenance
To access the Non-Attendance Records for an employee, select the employee record from employee list on the Demographic page and click into the bottommost, detail section for the employee. The 'Other Employee Records' menu dropdown will be activated from the action bar. Please note that when clicking on the 'Other Employee Records' dropdown when the page is in list mode and the middle of the page is active, the items in the dropdown are not activated.
The 'Other Employee Records' dropdown options are active when the bottom of the page is active.
Click on the Class Schedule option to obtain Class Schedule records for the selected employee. The Class Schedule page will open.
Field Name | Description | DB Table Field |
Year | Start year of the fiscal period (so if school year 2014-2015, then 2014) | lapep_cls.rpt_yr |
Budget/Actual | Submission type | lapep_cls.rtype |
Employee Number | Employee Number | lapep_cls.empl_no |
Social Security | SSN | lapep_cls.ssn |
Site | Local site code | |
State Object | Filler Spaces (Formerly Object Code – Data ignored) | lapep_cls.object |
State Function | Filler Spaces (Formerly Function Code - Data ignored) | lapep_cls.func |
Class Code | The class code assigned by the School System and submitted via the Curriculum Class Schedule Record. Required. The Class Code uniquely identifies a class taught at a school. | lapep_cls.class_no |
Twelve Hour Flag | Indicates that the teacher's certificate does not list an endorsement for specific course, but he or she has earned 12 hours of college credit in the subject area and is allowed to teach two classes under this rule. Format: (Y or N). State documentation does not indicate clearly if this field has been deprecated. | lapep_cls.twelv_flg |
Employment Begin Date | Filler Spaces (Formally Employment Begin Date – Data ignored) | lapep_cls.bdate |
Percent of Class Time | Captures percentage of class time by a teacher in a specific class. (Must = three zeroes for Vacant Position Record). | lapep_cls.class_pct |
Generating Reports and Files
To generate reports and files, select the Reports action from the Actions dropdown on the main page of the LA PEP report modules.
The LA PEP Report - Reports page will appear.
From this page you can create hard copy reports or the online submission to be uploaded to the state.
Prompt | Notes |
Report Type radio button | Select All Records for a hard copy report including Demographic, Site, Class and Non-attendance Records to report or to screen as a PDF, or one of Demographic/Site, Class Schedule, or Non-Attendance for a hard copy report of those records, or Online Submission to create the Online Submission of all records for submission to the state. |
Year | Select the report year |
Submission Type | Budget – fall report of budgeted/projected amounts, Actual – end of year report of actual paid amounts |
Non-attendance Date Range | This will be autopopulated when the submission type is selected, but can be changed by the user if desired. |
File Layouts and Data Mapping
Demographic Record
Column (position) | Field Name | Length | Comments/location in the Application |
01-03 | Record Identifier | 3 | Constant "PEP" |
04-06 | Transaction Code | 3 | Constant "100" |
07-10 | Session Year | 4 | YYYY (screen input) |
11-13 | LEA Sponsor Code | 3 | lapep_set.lea |
14-19 | Filler | 6 | blanks |
20-28 | Social Security Number | 9 | employee.ssn |
29-48 | Employee Last Name | 20 | employee.l_name |
49-51 | Employee Name Suffix | 3 | employee.name_suffix (crosswalked 5 chars to PEP 3 chars) |
52-66 | Employee First Name | 15 | employee.f_name |
67-81 | Employee Middle Name | 15 | employee.m_name |
82-82 | Gender | 1 | |
83-83 | Ethnic Group | 1 | person.ethnic_code |
84-87 | Certificate Type | 4 | emp_certificate.c_type |
88-93 | Certificate Number | 6 | emp_certificate.number |
94-94 | Certificate Suffix | 1 | emp_certificate.primary_cert N (if S, then N) |
95-95 | Teaching Certificate Exception Cd | 1 | empuser(1000).ftext2 |
96-97 | Education Level Code | 2 | emp_degree.dtype (highest) |
98-99 | Years Experience | 2 | person.yrs_total |
100-101 | Retirement System Code | 2 | empuser(1000).tcode1 |
102-102 | Retiree Return to Work Code | 1 | empuser(1000).tcode2 |
103-103 | Sabbatical Status Code | 1 | empuser(1000).ftext3 |
104-109 | PIP Salary Amount | 6 | Budget -sum(payrate.cont_sal)/ Annual sum(checkhis) |
110-115 | Total Salary Amount | 6 | Budget -payrate.cont_sal/ Annual sum(checkhis) |
116-117 | Salary Reduction Code | 2 | empuser(1000).tcode3[1,2] |
118-118 | Employee Type Code | 1 | r_person.part_time |
119-123 | Contract Day Count | 5 | r_payrate.cont_days |
124-126 | Workday Minute Count | 3 | empuser(1000).ftext1 or |
127-128 | Employee Status Code | 2 | empuser(1000).tcode4[1,2] if populated or defaulted to '01' |
129 | HQ Elementary Grades | 1 | lapephq.e_gen |
130 | HQ Elem. Foreign Lang. | 1 | lapephq.e_flng |
131 | HQ Middle School English/Language Arts | 1 | lapephq.m_engl |
132 | HQ Middle School Mathematics | 1 | lapephq.m_math |
133 | HQ Middle School Science | 1 | lapephq.m_sci |
134 | HQ Middle School Social Studies | 1 | lapephq.m_socs |
135 | HQ Middle School Foreign Language | 1 | lapephq.m_flng |
136 | HQ High School English/Language Arts | 1 | lapephq.h_engl |
137 | HQ High School Mathematics | 1 | lapephq.h_math |
138 | HQ High School Science | 1 | lapephq.h_sci |
139 | HQ High School Social Studies | 1 | lapephq.h_socs |
140 | HQ High School Foreign Language | 1 | lapephq.h_flng |
141 | HQ High School Arts | 1 | lapephq.h_art |
142 | HQ Paraprofessional | 1 | lapephq.p_prof |
143-143 | Hispanic/Latino | 1 | r_person.ethnic_code |
144-144 | American Indian/Alaskan | 1 | empl_races |
145-145 | Asian | 1 | empl_races |
146-146 | Black/African American | 1 | empl_races |
147-147 | Hawaiian/Pacific Islander | 1 | empl_races |
148-148 | White | 1 | empl_races |
149-156 | Hire Date | 8 | employee.hire_date |
157-158 | Tenure Status | 2 | lapep_demo.tenure_status |
159-166 | Tenure Add Date | 8 | lapep_demo.ten_add_Date |
167-174 | Tenure Lost Date | 8 | lapep_demo.ten_lost_date |
175-176 | Tenure Lost Reason | 2 | lapep_demo.ten_lost_reason |
Site Position Record
Column (position) | Field Name | Length | Comments – location in the application: different locations for (B)udget and (A)nnual; also different depending on if pulled from Assignments or Payrates/Distributions (LAPEP Setup page checkbox, see above). |
01-03 | Record Identifier | 3 | Constant "PEP" |
04-06 | Transaction Code 3 | 3 | Constant "200" |
07-10 | Session Year | 4 | YYYY (screen input) |
11-13 | LEA Sponsor Code3 | lapep_set.lea | |
14-19 | Site Code | 6 | Site code from distribution with the highest distribution percent, crosswalked to the state_locn_code in hrm_locn. If “000” then use person.location. If blank, then use local site code and issue error message. |
20-28 | Social Security Number | 9 | employee.ssn |
29-36 | Employment Begin Date | 8 | payrate.start_date.cont_start |
37-39 | Object Code | 3 | lapep_asn.object (code=assignment.code) |
40-43 | Function Code | 4 | lapep_asn.function (code=assignment.code) |
44-51 | Employment End Date | 8 | payrate.end_date/cont_end |
52-57 | Annual Minutes Worked | 6 | empuser.ftext5 is populated, otherwise: contract days * minutes per day. Minutes per day taken from empuser.ftext1 if populated, otherwise lapep_set.deflt_min. When using Assignments, minutes are not recalculated. If using Payrates/distributions, for Actual report, minutes are calculated from check history hours for off-payrate pay. For certain pay, no minutes are calculated. For other pay, minutes are shared with base pay and annual minutes for a particular site record are calculated as proportion of (salary from the site record over the total salary from all site records), times (the total annual minutes as derived above). If this still results in no minutes for the site record, then the default is to take the salary amount 1 over the total base salary and multiple this times the total annual minutes as derived above. |
58-63 | Salary Amount 1 | 6 | B: payrate.cont_sal/ A:sum(checkhis) |
64-65 | Fund Account Code 1 | 2 | For assignment method: (code=assignment.code). For payrate distribution method, crosswalked using organization code and account to LA State Object, Function and Fund from: B: payrate/employee distributions, A: check history and detailed distributions, using organization code and account. |
66-66 | Salary Type Code 1 | 1 | "1" |
67-72 | Salary Amount 2 | 6 | B: payrate.cont_sal/A; sum(checkhis) |
73-74 | Fund Account Code 2 | 2 | For assignment method: For payrate distribution method, crosswalked using organization code and account to LA State Object, Function and Fund from: B: payrate/employee distributions, A: check history and detailed distributions. |
75-75 | Salary Type Code 2 | 1 | "2" |
76-81 | Salary Amount 3 | 6 | B: payrate.cont_sal/A:sum(checkhis) |
82-83 | Fund Account Code 3 | 2 | For assignment method: (code=assignment.code) For payrate distribution method, crosswalked using organization code and account to LA State Object, Function and Fund from: B: payrate/employee distributions, A: check history and detailed distributions. |
84-84 | Salary Type Code 3 | 1 | "3" |
85-90 | Salary Amount 4 | 6 | B: payrate.cont_sal/A:sum(checkhis) |
91-92 | Fund Account Code 4 | 2 | For assignment method: For payrate distribution method, crosswalked using organization code and account to LA State Object, Function and Fund from: B: payrate/employee distributions, A: check history and detailed distributions. |
93-93 | Salary Type Code 4 | 1 | blank |
94-99 | Salary Amount 5 | 6 | B: payrate.cont_sal/A: sum(checkhis) |
100-101 | Fund Account Code 5 | 2 | For assignment method: (code=assignment.code) For payrate distribution method, crosswalked using organization code and account to LA State Object, Function and Fund from: B: payrate/employee distributions, A: check history and detailed distributions. |
102-102 | Salary Type Code 5 | 1 | blank |
103-103 | Home Site | 1 | For assignment method: 'Y" if empuser(1000).ftext2 else "N”. For payrate distribution method, B: site record for distribution with the highest percentage, A: site with record with the most annual minutes. |
Class Schedule Record
Column (position) | Field Name | Length | Comments – these records are not generated; they are imported using file 'sistea.txt' |
01-06 | Record Identifier | 3 | Constant "PEP210" |
07-10 | Session Year | 4 | YYYY (screen input) |
11-13 | LEA Sponsor Code | 3 | lapep_set.lea |
14-19 | Site Code | 6 | where location.code=lapep_loc.code |
20-28 | Social Security Number | 9 | employee.ssn |
29-36 | Filler | 8 | |
37-39 | Filler | 3 | |
40-43 | Filler | 4 | |
44-63 | Class Code | 20 | lapep_cls.class_no |
64-64 | Twelve Hour flag | 1 | lapep_cls.twelv_flg |
65-67 | Class Percent | 3 | lapep_cls.class_pct(screen input). 2 implied decimal places. |
Non-attendance Record
Column (position) | Field Name | Length | Comments |
01-06 | Record Identifier | 3 | Constant "PEP300" |
07-10 | Session Year | 4 | YYYY (screen input) |
11-13 | LEA Sponsor Code | 3 | lapep_set.lea |
14-19 | Filler | 6 | blanks |
20-28 | Social Security Number | 9 | employee.ssn |
29-36 | Event Begin Date | 8 | attend.start_date |
37-38 | Category Code | 2 | attend.lv_cd |
39-46 | Event End Date | 8 | attend.stop_date |
47-50 | Event Days | 4 | If the lapep_set.lvinhrs is ‘H’ or the payrate is not an hourly rate or a Range/Step rate, then the leave is calculated using leave hours over hours per day (minutes per day over 60) and adjusted to be a full or half day. Otherwise, the leave hours is assumed to be in days and is compared to the begin and end date of the leave event to make sure it is within range. 1 implied decimal place. |