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LA Annual Sick Leave Report

The LA Annual Sick Leave Report is accessed by selecting the following menu path: Human Resources > State > LA Annual Sick Leave Report.

Report Specific Setup

Several areas are used to maintain setup data used by the Sick Leave Report.

Human Resources Profile – State Window

Path: System Administration->Human Resources Profile->State Window.

The Employer TRSL ID must be entered on this page. This ID is also used for the monthly and annual retirement reports.

LA PEP Report Setup

Note: This report uses several fields used by the Louisiana PEP report and these fields are expected to be populated. Specifically: the minutes fields from the PEP setup screen, the leave type field on the leave code table and the contract days from the primary pay rate saved by PEP from the previous fiscal year.

Path: Human Resources->State->LA PEP Report->Actions→Setup.

If Leave Days/Hours is not set to "D – Leave time is in days" then days will be calculated using the Default Workday Minutes, unless the Minutes/Day field is filled in for the individual employee on their LA PEP Data District Defined page.

Personnel Defined Windows

Path: Human Resources->Entry and Processing->Employee Information->Personnel tab->Defined Windows->Louisiana PEP Data.

Use MINUTES/DAY field to define number of minutes worked per day for individual employees, where desired.

Louisiana State or Retirement Screen

Path: Human Resources->Entry and Processing->Employee Information->Payroll Information->State Required.

For each employee for whom you wish to report summer hours: In Summer Total, Enter the total number of summer days available; in Summer Worked enter the number of days actually worked.

Loading the Data

Click Load in the Action Bar to load data prior to running the Sick Leave Report. The following page is displayed.

Employees with TRSL deductions who are not exempt from retirement reporting will be loaded. Use the Load Criteria fields to further define which employees to load.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year for which you want to load employees.

Professional Development

Check to include professional development leave. This corresponds to leave type 1 in lapep_lev table.

School Related Business

Check to include school related business leave. This corresponds to leave type 2 in lapep_lev table.


Check to include personal, sick, and emergency leave. This corresponds to leave type 3 in lapep_lev table.

Extended Medical Leave

Check to include extended medical Leave. This corresponds to leave type 4 in lapep_lev table.

Annual/Vacation Leave

Check to include annual vacation leave. This corresponds to leave type 5 in lapep_lev table.

Extenuating Circumstances Leave

Check to include extenuating circumstances leave. This corresponds to leave type 6 in lapep_lev table.

Click OK to begin the load process.

Data Definitions


Field Name

Data Source

Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year entered on Load page.

Employee Number


Employee table

Social Security


Employee table

Last Name


Laretcode table. The system code assigned to the employee's retirement code

First Name


Laretcode table. The contribution type assigned to the employee's retirement code

Contract Months


Laprate table. Calculated as cont_days divided by 20. If this is greater than 12 then cont_days is set to 12.

Sick days


Attend table. Calculated as follows:

For hourly employees: lv_hrs is divided by hours per day (hours per day equals minutes per day divided by 60). A fraction of a day of.25 or greater rounds to.5.

For other employees: Uses lv_hrs. A fraction of a day greater than or equal to.75 is rounded to the next whole day.; any other fraction of a day is rounded to.5

Total Summer Days


Empuser table. Field tcode4.

Summer Days Worked


Empuser table. Field tcode5.

Maintaining the Data

Once data is loaded the user can perform searches, add, update and delete records from the main page of LA Sick Leave Report.

Click 'Find' to query the existing records based on the search criteria the user entered. After the records are displayed, the user can highlight the desired record and click 'OK' to review and update. To add a record click 'New' in the File Options on the action and enter the appropriate information. To delete a record, highlight the desired record and click 'Delete' in the File Options on the action bar.

Refer to the Data Definitions section above for detailed descriptions of the fields.

In addition to the loaded data, Summer Percent is displayed. This value is calculated as Summer Worked divided by Summer Total.

Generating Reports and Files

Click Reports on the Action Bar. The following page will be displayed.

Select report type of Hard Copy or Electronic File.

Enter the Fiscal Year you want reported. All records in the sick leave work table with this fiscal year will be included in the report.

Report Layout

File Layouts and Data Mapping

The export file is a fixed-length text file in the format defined by TRSL for the Sick Leave Data (SL) Input File.





Location in the Application

Employer ID





Social Security Number





Fiscal Year





Contract Months





Sick Leave Days Used




Laleave.sickdays * 100 (format is 3.2 with implied decimal point)

Summer Percent Effort




Calculated as summer_wrk / summer_tot then multiplied by 100.

Summer Days Worked




laleave.summer_wrk * 100 (format is 3.2 with implied decimal point)

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