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January 07, 2022 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-57488LA PEP Maintenance modificationsSeveral issues with handling null and other values in the Louisiana PEP maintenance program have been corrected.
EFIN-73346LA PEP - Create EdLink Contract Staff Extracts

We have enhanced the Louisiana EdLink (PEP) feature to create Contract Staff extract files.

  1. The option can be run from the LA PEP report Reports option. New report types of EdLink or PEP must be selected by the user. If PEP is selected, the current report types will be displayed as report options. If the user selects the Report Type of EdLink, radio buttons are displayed for the EdLink Options including (Contract Staff).

  2. When the user chooses the Contract Staff, they are given the option to print a verification report which includes the employee name, employee number, and all other data included in the electronic file in the hard copy and excel formats (similar to staff and staff assignment).

  3. The electronic files are automatically generated with the creation of the verification report.

  4. Reports and electronic files for the Contract Staff use the State Staff ID of the local staff key for the state layout.

  5. Contracted Staff members are NOT included in the Staff Extract reports and files.

EFIN-73347 LA PEP - Create EdLink Contract Staff Assignment Extracts

We have enhanced the Louisiana EdLink (PEP) feature to create Contract Staff Assignments extract files.

  1. The option can be run from the LA PEP report Reports option. New report types of EdLink or PEP must be selected by the user. If PEP is selected the current report types will be displayed as report options. If the user selects the Report Type of EdLink, radio buttons are displayed for the EdLink Options including Contract Staff Assignment.

  2. When the user chooses the Contract Staff Assignment, the option to print a verification report is enabled, which includes the employee name, employee number, and all other data included in the electronic file in the hard copy and excel formats (similar to staff and staff assignment).

  3. The electronic files are automatically generated with the creation of the verification report

  4. Reports and electronic files for the Contract Staff Assignment must use the State Staff ID of the local staff key for the state layout.

  5. Contracted Staff members are NOT included in the Staff Assignment Extract reports and files.

EFIN-73358LA PEP - Add Staff State ID and Exit Reason to Maintenance

The Louisiana PEP program has been modified to include the Staff State ID in the search criteria, record selection array, and detailed data on the maintenance screen. The Department of Education reports/error listings do not include the local employee ID or Social Security Number. The customers had to look up the Staff State ID for each employee they needed to edit, as it was not displayed on the screen.

The new Louisiana EdLink report also includes an Exit Reason Code for Staff that was not included in the LA PEP maintenance. We have added the Exit Reason Code field with valid codes - 01 02 03 04 05 06.

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