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December 2023 Release - 20.11.65, 22.4.27, 23.10.2

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software versions unless otherwise noted in the release note:




The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note


IN Form 9 Report Enhancements | Exclusion Setup provided

Enhanced the IN Form 9 report Load logic to exclude any combination of Funds or State level titles.

  • An additional menu called Exclusions is added under the Setup of IN Form 9 Report.

  • Load logic is enhanced to check for any exclusions in the above setup and ignore them while performing the load.


Indiana Funds Ledger Report Updated With Ending Balance Override Option

In the Indiana Funds Ledger Report, a new checkbox appears when generating reports that span fiscal years between the start year and end year. Checking this box will override the base functionality, adding the beginning balance to the ending balance calculation. This will convert the ending balance column from a net change value to a true ending balance.

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