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Account Structure

This section describes the account structure feature and all necessary setups. The account structure feature applies to the following modules in the application:

  • Fund Accounting

  • Payroll

  • Purchasing 

  • Student Activities

  • PCard

  • Budget Preparation (limited reports and entry options)

You must complete the appropriate setups in the Fund Accounting profile to enable the full account structure.

Menu Path

From the System Administration menu, select Administration. From the Profiles menu, select Fund Accounting Profile.

Enable Full Account Structure

  1. On the Fund Accounting Profile page, select the System Options tab.

  2. Complete the fields in the Balance Sheet Options section:

    • Leave Use Fund Only unchecked.

    • Select the Additional Component for Balancing General Ledger.

    • Leave Use Additional Component for Payroll Fund and Disbursement Funds unchecked.

  3. Select the Titles tab. Enter the Account Number for Full Account. For more information, refer to Fund Accounting Titles Tab.

  4. Click OK.

Map the Full Account Structure

You must define the mapping and format of the full account structure for each ledger:

  • E- Expenditure

  • R - Revenue

  • G - G/L

Follow these steps for each ledger:

  1. On the Fund Accounting Profile page, select Translation.

  2. Select the Ledger and Number of Organization Levels. Refer to the section on defining Organization Levels for more information.

  3. Define each segment's character Start and End positions under Organization Levels and Account Level sections.

  4. In the Format section, complete the following fields:

    • Select the Delimiter.

    • The Format field is display-only. It shows how the account structure appears based on how you mapped the segments.

    • Enter the Placeholder Text to display on account number fields on the entry and report pages. The text must match the character length for each segment.

    • Enter the Help Message to display on the entry and report pages.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Repeat these steps for each ledger.

Use the Account Structure Search

You can use the Lookup feature to search for accounts by segment for each ledger. For example, if you only know a few segments of the account, you can narrow your search based on those segments.

For example, the user may only know the Fund Type and Fund Source segments in the Expenditure Ledger. All search results include the selected segments.

For more information, refer to Full Account Format.

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