Race/Ethnicity Tab
Before generating reports, ensure that you enter valid race and ethnicity information for employees.
Specify Race And Ethnicity Information For Regular Employees
Regular employees do not have a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.
On the start page, select Menu -> Human Resources -> Entry & Processing -> Employee Information (under Employee).
Specify the search criteria and click Find.
Leave all Search Criteria fields blank, and select only Exclude Pending Employees. Click Find.Double-click the relevant employee record.
Click the Race/Ethnicity tab.
Refer to Race Or Ethnicity Codes and select valid codes in the Ethnicity and Race fields.
On the navigation bar, click OK.
Specify Race And Ethnicity Information For Pending Employees
Pending employees are those employees with a Pending Status of Add Pending on the Employee Information page.
On the start page, select Menu -> Human Resources -> Entry & Processing -> Employee Information (under Employee).
Specify the search criteria and click Find.
Leave all Search Criteria fields blank, and select only Only List Pending Employees. Click Find.Double-click the relevant employee record.
Click Race/Ethnicity (under Personnel).
Refer to Race Or Ethnicity Codes and enter valid information in the Ethnicity and Race fields.
Click Finish.
On the navigation bar, click Finish.
Click OK.
If the employee is of Hispanic or Latino origin, select H – Hispanic or Latino in the Ethnicity field.
Otherwise, select the appropriate race code(s) for the employee in the Race column. You can select more than one race for an employee. Click the blank space below the field(s) in the Race column to insert a new row.
If the race assigned to the employee has a blank or missing State Race field in the Race Codes table, then the employee's Race/Ethnicity on the IL Employment Information System employment file will be 99 – Unknown.
Illinois state reporting does not use the EEO race code. It continues to be used for Federal EEO reporting and should be maintained based on those requirements.