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May 7, 2021 Release

Resolved Issues

These changes have been released in the following software version(s) unless otherwise noted in the release note:

  • Version 5.2
  • Version 19.4
  • Version 20.11 

The following issues have been resolved:



Release Note

EFIN-39727IL - New TRS Report - Maintenance Option - not live yetWe have added part of the Illinois TRS (Gemini) project, which goes live July 1, 2021. The maintenance options allow customers to do set up and add employees to create district test files. We will be providing a load and other updates after beta testing. Please plan to attend training for Illinois starting May 17 - check the Illinois Product Updates for more information on the meetings and the Compliance Illinois for recordings of the meetings. We strongly recommend that you attend training before attempting to create and test a file with TRS.
EFIN-41691IL - New TRS Report - Electronic fileWe have provided a new electronic file to meet the Illinois TRS Gemini reporting requirements for customers to use in testing with TRS. Please attend May 17 and subsequent meetings for training and assistance on its use.
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